Seeing Different, Seeing Truth (Part 1)

The ability to discern or see what is really going on is one of the most valuable skills for every part of your life.

Effective action builds on top of seeing accurately.

The ability to see what is going on is a skill that, in my experience, keeps expanding so much that I haven't exhausted the application of it.

When you can look at a situation with fresh eyes, you master the distinction between times when you should change your mind and times when you need to stick to your viewpoint.

There's a time for both.

You're stuck in some places right now where you need to change your mind, get on with new thinking, and start reaping new results.

But also...

You've not yet persevered in some places in which you'd reap the compounding results if you stay the course

When to change, when to quit, or when to persevere all hinge on how you're seeing what you're looking at.

Helping you navigate 2021 is going to shape my writing to you for as long as it takes to help you nail the distinction.

Seeing with fresh eyes delivers impact, professionally and personally.

>> Professionally, you get massive breakthroughs.

Whenever I feel stuck with a problem or I am not getting the result I want, I try and see what I'm looking at from a fresh angle. Or I try and see it for the first time.

There are lots of ways I can get at this. One of the ways I do it is by asking myself: "If someone gave me this __________ (business, team, calendar, etc) what would I change?"

You can make the necessary bold decisions. As Alan Watts reminds us, you have no obligation to be who you were 5 minutes ago.

>> Personally, you feel a saturation of love.

I'm not afraid to talk about love. Chapter 11 of Figure That Shift Out uses the word love, or some variation of it, over 20 times while talking about those you are in a relationship with, including those you work with.

I vividly remember an experience I had for the first time almost seven years ago. I've written about it in 1 of my books but since then I've also learned to cultivate it.

One of my daughters had asked me a question and I had the most wonderful sensation of feeling like I was seeing her for the first time. In all her changes day-by-day. sometimes you miss they are the same but also a different person.

I actually get chills, goosebumps, or whatever word you have for that moment when your full attention is directed towards a moment of joy and all your concerns fade away. These moments don't just have to happen personally by the way!

There are these moments I have almost every day and sometimes multiple times in a day. Keeping it real: there are also moments of challenge, pain, and frustration. These make up the yin and yang of growth.

But seeing with fresh eyes can make everything else pale in comparison to their 5-d experience of color, sensation, and that sense of awe that leaves me with an emotion of "thank-you-that-I-get-to-feel-this-right-now".

Can you see yourself, your business, your leadership, and your loved ones for the first time?

2021 depends on your fresh perspective.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

1 Simple Practice That Matters More Than Ever

Gratitude means more to me than ever right now.

I remember when I first started actively developing my ability to be grateful.

Weird enough, it was in college. I had no idea how caffeine, sugar, and who knows what else affected my sleep. So when I found myself laying there with no loss of waking consciousness, I started experimenting.

I would lay there and practice feeling grateful for whatever I could think of.

I actually remember laying there and thinking, "I'm so grateful for toothpaste." Must have been the onion rings?

Maybe I'll feel this way every year, especially after this year, but I feel more appreciation for the simple life and simple gratitude than ever.

I'm in an interesting moment. I paradoxically have the most ambitious vision for myself and my partners and how we can impact the world.

I also appreciate the simple joy of sitting outside, firing up the grill, and singing loudly to music. My neighbors don't always appreciate the latter.

Until you can sit down and look at a piece of grass and find a still calmness within, please know that the age of outrage is hijacking your brain.

And one of the simplest actions you can take today (or any day) is to know who you are apart from all your ideas, emotions, roles, achievements, setbacks, and even your future hopes and dreams.

All of those are important.

But take ONE moment today.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

And find the silliest and smallest thing you can meditate on and be grateful for. It's a step toward a different path.

I’m grateful for you.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

The Struggle Makes or Breaks You

Have you seen people breaking down?

Some are splitting up with friends.

Some companies have infighting.

Reality feels like a landscape of cultural landmines ready to render you into pieces with one misstep. Zoom out big enough and you can see the memetic fracturing into many subdivided groups.

There is a way forward.

You can lead into 2021 with more boldness and confidence than you've ever led up to this point.


See what is really going on right now.

There's always an emperor with no clothes on.

There's just rarely someone childlike enough to accept reality and say it out loud.

Reality is like the boxes we construct. It's our way of making sense of the complexity and uncertainty of our existence.

At our last Re>>Charge (our monthly gathering for those who have invested in SightShift content and coaching) I went deeper into this idea. Check out the p.s. for the link and if you have any problems accessing it let me know.

There are many boxes breaking right now. 

It's why people are struggling so much.

If you're committed to one box, one way of viewing the world, and that way of viewing the world isn't making you more resilient I have a suggestion for you.

Break your box before it breaks you.

Whatever box you use to make sense of your world is probably going to change in 2021. My guess is that in 2021 that box will break a little or a lot. Boxes don't last forever.

I don't usually use therapeutic language but will do so now as an attempt to tantalize the horizon of your vision. This moment in human history is so exciting.

How? Reality is surfacing the need for a box or mental upgrade.

There's a general acceptance across many academic fields and disciplines about the reality of trauma.

Circumstances traumatize you and that trauma gets stored in your body.

This is why if you hit a deer while driving and the force of impact doesn't kill or maim the deer then the very smart animal will shake. It's literally shaking the trauma out of its body so it can go on.

Boxes and trauma

If your box doesn't help you heal past trauma and keep challenging circumstances from traumatizing you in new ways then it's time for an upgrade.

Metaphorically speaking and sometimes physically you gotta shake that shit out.

What if you willingly deconstructed your box now to get to the future box that prepares you for whatever might happen?

We want 2021 to be calmer. I get it. It might be. It might not be.

Do you have a plan for 2021? A vision? A definitive picture that supersedes circumstances?

Beginners react.

Pros fight to make a plan happen.

Masters move a vision forward while adapting to circumstances. They bring breakthroughs into reality.

Linear thinking won't produce Copernicus breakthroughs.

Breakthroughs come piece by piece and in leaps. Whether it's the science or your business or your life. *

Copernicus had to leap into another box to make sense of the planets. He couldn't incrementally get to that insight.

LINEAR thinking helps you advance in your current box.

But moving to another box requires a LEAP.

You leap into new boxes.

Utilize that box fully.

Then upgrade to the new box.

(And in between boxes is the scary moment.)

To be a "box leaper" and do it effectively you need 2 skills that are absolutely learnable:

  • an open mind (you can try on new thoughts without committing to them)

  • a center point to come back to (a chosen worldview that withstands your new thoughts or upgrades to support new ideas)

A meta-box that maps onto any box

My center point that I come back to is a worldview that I literally have tattooed on my chest.

And anyone reading this who thinks they know the full depths of what I mean you don't. I don't mean that harshly. No one can know the full depths.

Your internal world is endlessly explorable and has every resource you need to:

  1. face your current challenges head-on

  2. re-invent in the face of those challenges

  3. create a new reality that didn't exist before (leadership after all is taking people to a destination that they had not imagined...or they would have gone there)

Enjoy your box but break it when you need to.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

Do You Have A Mission Mindset?

You can stop hating those who seemed to know from a young age.

Do you know anyone who's not happy with their work right now?

You can forward this to them if you want.

Or maybe it's you?

The number of times I have sat down with an executive from a major company and they've told me, "I wish I could do what you're doing"...

You didn't want to be a wage slave with an endless grind and no meaning.

You wanted to take care of your family.

Or you wanted to buy your mom that new car.

The crossroads that you're at right now...I've been there.

You're holding onto hope that you can use your skills and passions to carve out an impact in the world that also allows you to build an income.

For me, I think of this as the choice between the career mindset and the mission mindset.

There's a reason they call it "career counseling".

Counseling is good. I've gotten counseling before. When I need help and comfort.

But to start a career journey with career counseling puts us in the career mindset.

The process infects our minds with a malaise that sets up choices out of being naive or fear.

  • It feels like a choice between work that matters and working for money.

  • It's not your fault. The career mindset is a dead-end of endless work without impact on others' lives.

  • The college lie is that you can pick a perfect path in a world full of increasing uncertainty.

  • You've been taught to fit in and suppress what would help you find your way forward.

  • And now you couldn't get a small loan for a business idea even though they had no problem giving you a huge loan for a degree.

I've walked the contours of this journey between career and mission. It feels like so many wasted pages.

  • After working with my dad I told him 'no' so I could launch out on my own.

  • Lost a lot in real estate.

  • Led some organizations through change.

  • Substitute taught to try and just earn some money.

  • Was a professor for a while and saw upfront how much pain and fear college students were in over their choices.

  • Figured out the key shifts to finally realize how to answer the question of what you want to be when you grow up.

  • And how to stop hating those who have seemed to know from a young age.

Coaching is for action.

I've hired coaches when I had a problem that I wanted to be fixed.

Lacking a mission mindset is a fixable problem.

  1. You move from a mundane career to a mission of meaning and your job might even stay the same.

  2. You move from a career that needs counseling to a mission that is activated by coaching.

  3. You move from a mediocre community of careerists to a mission-minded community pursuing mastery.

You don't have to regret or burn your previous life chapters.

A new chapter awaits.

New focus.

Wise decisions.

Relationships that inspire.

I'm going to be sharing the key shifts to move from a career mindset to a mission mindset at a new live event.

I'll be sharing a part of my story I have never shared before online.

A career mindset sets you up for pain.

The pain you feel right now as you look at your degree and hard work and wonder what is wrong with you that you can't figure this career thing out.

Do you have a career mindset or a mission mindset?

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

9 unhealthy actions of an insecure leader

I want to walk you through the nine unhealthy actions of insecure leaders. 

I want to help you move forward as the best healthiest leader you can be. Now I'm not here to beat up on you or anybody with this list. In fact, I would say it's the insecure actions of a leader that reveal the places you need to grow. You don't have to be afraid of the lack of health. It's like your ego. The ego isn't your enemy. You don't have to beat up your ego. Instead your ego is telling you what you're actually needing in your development and growth. 

I want you to recognize these in your life. I want you to stop them and replace them with good actions and behaviors. I also want to define it so clearly so bad leaders can’t get away with these anymore. Let’s evolve fellow humans, shall we? 

You can’t give to others what you don’t have within yourself. 

So let me walk you through these nine actions and help you recognize them as I paint a clear picture of these actions so we can root them out.

Number one, the first unhealthy action of an insecure leader is they lead to be needed. 

They build a world around them where they become integral. They're afraid to develop systems and places that upgrade to the point that they aren't the bottleneck anymore. In fact, they like being the bottleneck. They want to stay the bottleneck because that's how they get a sense of completeness or wholeness as a leader. They're not leading to give, they're leading to get.  

The second unhealthy action of an insecure leader is that they lead from hype

They're not able to stare reality in the face. They're not able to pay attention to the key data points. Instead, what they're doing is just trying to hype to the next thing. They're convinced that the next book, the next idea, the next pivot, the next strategy will be what fixes everything. Now that might be the weakness of somebody that leads you and it might be yours. But I want to say just because somebody goes to a new initiative or goes to a pivot, it doesn't mean it’s unhealthy. Just because somebody has a system in place that they're integral to doesn't mean it’s unhealthy. It comes down to motive. So the leaders that lead to be needed, that motive will cause them to always be in their way. The leaders that lead for hype, that motive will cause them to miss what's key. 

A third unhealthy action of an insecure leader is to fear conflict or to avoid conflict at all costs. They're afraid if they rock the boat, the ripple effect of that means people are going to fall out of the boat and then they don't have a team to belong to. And really they lead for belonging. They don't have a group of people they feel that they fit in with. And when they lead to try to get something from others, they're not going to be impactful, because they're leading in an unhealthy way. 

Fourth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is being indecisive.

You lead indecisively because you're uncertain. We live in a VUCA world. (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous as the military has defined it) SPOILER. The world has really always been that way. Certainty is an illusion. And because of that uncertainty it seems obvious when you think about it but you'll never have perfect certainty.  And so whatever you’re waiting on to become more certain is holding you back. Until you speed up your decision making velocity, you'll always be held back from getting the experience you need to gain. You’ll also miss key opportunities. Now again, if your motive is the hype, you need to slow down. But for a lot of leaders they're paralyzed. They want to make the right decision and you'll never have perfect certainty. 

Fifth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is to be a taskmaster. 

And so nobody can ever do enough for you. You're always looking at their effort and questioning it.

And you have this insane pace that people feel like they've got to keep up with and they burn themselves out, trying to please you. You don't practice quality self care. And you’re not modeling for others how to recover after big efforts. How do you know if you're a task master? Well, ask your leaders. “Am I inspiring more out of us and you than you thought possible, or am I giving you a burden to carry that crushing you?” There’s good stress and bad stress and you don’t know until you ask. They're getting sloppy and they're losing motivation. Listen to the feedback their actions are giving you.  

Sixth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is when you use anger to get people to live up to your ideals. 

You fear your or their failure to live up to your ideals will wreck everything. And that fear of sabotaging causes you to be over vigilant in your organization. You could start to be autocratic or dictatorial where you're trying to control everything. You micromanage because you’re afraid that they or you are  going to mess something up or sabotage it. 

And the problem is you don't understand the power of differences. To be a part of something more than yourself means the relationships with others make your work better. And what you label black and white somebody else may label gray. There's a lot of gray in life.

Seventh unhealthy action of an insecure leader is focusing on the fear that the worst will happen. 

You lead with a perfectionist bent or an obsessive bent to try to remove all threats. I’m not talking about threats to your power. That’s the next action. I'm talking about all threats to the safety of your team or your organization. When you lead that way, what you start to do is you start to either become very perfectionistic and superstitious or just riddled with anxiety and withdrawn. So when you lead with this insecurity that the worst is gonna happen, this will start to show up as you aggressively try to fix everything and protect everything. 

Eighth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is when you’re afraid to get close.

Now, for some of you as leaders, you can be too vulnerable and you're confusing. It’s as if we say, “Hey, carry my dirty laundry.”  With healthy vulnerability you don't have to ask everybody to carry your dirty laundry, but for this fear, they're afraid to share anything that will diminish their power. They want to keep up an exterior and a wall so that nobody can get too close. And if they feel people getting too close they'll flash up with some strength or conflict to push people away and keep them destabilized. They are afraid. They are unconsciously driven by the fear, “If people get too close, they're going to hurt me.” 

Ninth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is when they make it all about them. It's the constant vacuum operating at their center. They lead to be seen, to be affirmed, to be celebrated, to be validated, and to be heard. It's our role in our job as leaders to recognize when we're showing up with a victim mindset, that's screaming in our actions, “You're not appreciating me. You're not seeing all I'm doing. You're not validating me.” It’s our job to go in the opposite direction and start to see those around us, to validate those around us, and to encourage those around us. That's who we are. That's who we want to be. 

So wherever you find yourself as a leader, we can always get better. And if you feel like you're doing great right now, that's awesome. I celebrate that. You probably aren't in a place where you're getting beyond the edge of your abilities. If you were, you would start to see some of these unhealthy actions show up internally. Be encouraged, that's just new growth territory. That's a new opportunity for you to step in and find what it looks like for you to even be healthier as a leader, secure in who you are, and using  all of what you have experienced in your insecurities for your growth. Keep on this journey. It's so worth it. The people that you care for and lead will look back and say, “I'm so glad I got to be led by them.”

If you want to make sure you root these out of your leadership and your team's leadership so you can replace them with healthy leadership go

As you know healthy actions bring healthy growth. 

Here's an audio version of the above you can share with others. 

Here's a video version you can share. 

And don't forget, I'm going live every Thursday at 1pm on my Facebook page. Q/A, inspiration, and my Angry Mark Wahlberg impersonations. Click on Facebook to go my page, like it, and not miss out.

I know it's crazy out there. Don't let a lack of health in our leaders normalize these behaviors. 

Bottom up change, 


Where Are You In The 4 Stage Progression Of Wisdom?

Do you get upset when people are stubborn in their thinking?

Do you get bothered when you can't change their mind?

Any time you spend trying to change someone's mind is time wasted.

Live your changed life. They can join you when they are ready.

How can you live a changed life that they would want? > Learn how to keep maturing in wisdom.


Here's a four-stage progression I have used for myself for years (and I secretly use this when listening to people to hear what their words reveal):

Stage 1: How do I engage problems?

Immature: Life is my enemy.

Mature: This problem will grow me.

Stage 2: How do I engage others?

Immature: They are my enemy.

Mature: Where they bother me reveals some more growth in me.

Stage 3: How do I engage my worldview?

Immature: The universe isn't for me but against me.

Mature: My worldview upgrades as I grow.

Stage 4: How do I engage myself?

Immature: I am a victim.

Mature: I am my own worst enemy.

Admitting that you have the potential to be your own worst enemy doesn't emotionally take you somewhere negative.

Paradoxically, it lifts you up.

You reach your highest mindset and creative state when you own the chief reality of maturity:

I am responsible to use what is happening in my life for my growth.

(Nerdy side note that I should cut out to not break your reading flow but I can't resist and it's my email list...hahaha...NOTICE I didn't say, "I alone am responsible for my growth." That can't be true. You're not the causal agent all of your life's circumstances. I know this is very deep. I'll share a creative project soon dedicated to just this. Back to the topic at hand...)

There are three groups of people reading this:

Type 1. You're on the path to maturity.

You're progressing through these stages again and again. You understand this process is never finished.

New circumstances and deepening relationships present opportunities to feel insecurities in your ego. Those are your growth moments. No matter how far you've come, there's more.

What's really exciting to me about this group of people is they want to learn how to mine every opportunity for its wealth. "There's gold in them thar hills."

Type 2. You're not on the path to maturity.

You have gotten stuck in immature thinking at one of the stages.

The biggest clue to your stuckness? You're perpetually frustrated at something or someone. (I say perpetually because we all get stuck! We all get frustrated. I just don't want to stay there.)

Type 3. You want to accelerate others on their path to maturity.

These people are satisfied with asking, "Am I growing?". They are instead focused on asking "Are the people around me growing?"

Actions you can take as a result of what I'm sharing with you today:

Watch our free masterclass to learn the 3 mega skills that you need to move forward (that society doesn’t teach you anymore). This leads to an 84-day journey to hone your intuition, turn your hopes into reality, and say goodbye to status games.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

What is Blocking Your Progress?

There’s one thing we can all agree on: Being stuck sucks.


Whether you don’t know what you should do to move the needle forward in your leadership or business, or you can’t bring yourself to take that step, being stuck is exhausting, disempowering and it’s hindering your progress and growth.


Maybe your relationships are hurting too, your family misses you physically, mentally, and/or emotionally.


And the annoying question comes back to you all the time: “What do I do to fix this?


(I know this because I’ve not only been there myself but have seen hundreds of clients step through those challenges.)


Whatever being stuck means to you right now, one thing's for sure: 

It's only the tip of an iceberg.


It's a symptom that you’ve reached a point when you need to stop. 


And take a long, deep dive under the surface to discover:


  • WHY you’re spinning your wheels, 

  • WHAT mindset glitches are blocking your progress, and 

  • HOW to stop them from getting in your way


Because only when you shift what you SEE, does what you DO shift too!


If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that I live for this… to help you create life-changing shifts. 


We are drowning in information in today’s world. 


And we’re starving for wise guidance. 


I want to provide you with a ONE stop shop for personal transformation and leadership so that you can have that wise guidance. 


Because it doesn’t need to be complicated. 


You don’t need 50 different courses from 50 different gurus. And, you’re not going to “will” your way to transformation.


You need a simple, go-to system. 


And, maybe even more importantly, you need a community. A group of people who are there for you and help you keep moving forward. 


Transformation doesn’t happen overnight and there’s no magic pill. And coming together with others is the surefire way to jump the hurdles that life throws our way. 


To be honest with you, this was something that’s been missing from SightShift. 


Good or bad, what defines communities is the collective behavior they normalize. 

The quickest way to reinforce changes in your life is to join a community that lives the new behavior you seek. Their normal is your future. 


As we’ve been evolving, and as I’ve been paying close attention to the challenges our community faces, I’ve realized that this is paramount. That’s why we’re now offering all of our students and clients a free monthly hangout, where we not only provide additional training but they’ll also be able to connect with a small group of other students walking the same growth path.


What’s the “normal” behavior of the SightShift community?

We train our minds to be at it’s best.

We seek out world-class wisdom.

We build the life we want free of the “shoulds” and “should nots”.


You become like the people you choose to be around.


So, here are the three levels of support SightShift now provides you with:

The community component is called SightShift Re>>Charge, because I want you to access monthly reinforcements.


Imagine if you could get a world class mindset re-charge every month? 


  1. You could close the gap on what you don't know that's holding you back.

  2. You could sharpen any edges that have become dull from the previous month. 

  3. You could start each month with a renewed focus, vision, and purpose. 


Want into the SightShift community? 


Here are the 3 paths you can take to enter our community right now:


  1. Register for the next free live masterclass about growth: 3 Mega Skills Society Doesn’t Teach You Anymore

  2. Register for the next free live masterclass about parenting: The 4 Simple, Wise Actions of a Healthy Family Culture

  3. Book me to develop your team with our new, virtual Fall 2020 growth package. (Spots are very limited.)


Click the link above for the path that most resonates with you. Take the first step.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

Catching Confetti was the #1 New Release in Sports Coaching on Amazon!

In case you missed it, our newest book recently went live on Amazon and we launched the corresponding online video course, Catching Confetti: Developing the Mindset of a Champion.

The book was in the #1 new releases in Sports Coaching! Thank you to everyone who has ordered their copy so far!!

In the book - and the course - we teach the 7 essential mindsets of world-class performance and offer simple, transformational exercises for you to develop them in yourself. 

Developing these mindsets is the pathway to

>>Reframe every moment to endure all circumstances

>>Relax under pressure and perform your best when the stakes are highest

>>Focus in the midst of chaos and recover on the fly

>>Stir up endless motivation and stay disciplined to the vision

>>Build a team you enjoy and thrive in

You already invest so much time, money, and energy into developing your skills, strategies, and physical abilities. But how do you make all that hard work pay off when it matters most?

The secret is in your mindset:


The ability to keep going regardless of the circumstances. The ability to separate who you are from your results. When your identity is not determined by your performance you can hold up under the pressure.


Not chillin’ on your couch relaxed but relaxed internally. A non-anxious presence. Nothing to prove, nothing to hide. Bringing your authentic self to the competition with confidence and humility.


The ability to flip obstacles into opportunities and to create advantages out of your disadvantages. An understanding that you are a work in progress, not a finished product. The Victor loves to grow, even more than winning.


The ability to find a reason to keep showing up and keep moving forward regardless of your current status. Imagining a vision of what this moment could be like to entice motivation and energy. 


The ability to quiet your mind even in the midst of chaos and fully engage the present moment. Heightened awareness and un-distracted presence. A game-changing superpower that few people actively develop.


The love of the process, the practice, the skill building. Disciplined to a routine that keeps you prepared even through moments of discouragement. Learning to harness experiences to position yourself for peak experiences on demand.


The ability to be the most emotionally aware person on the team. The magic to connect with each individual on a root level that plays to their desires, calms their fears, and inspires their dreams.

Click here to learn more about Catching Confetti.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

We Finished A New Book During Quarantine

I’m too excited to share this news with you.

It’s the next evolution of the work we are doing with SightShift.

It’s a project two years in the making.

Today we released a new book - our sixth in the SightShift collection.

Catching Confetti: Developing the Mindset of a Champion 

It is now live on Amazon in paperback, Kindle e-book, and audiobook.

Written with NBA coach and my partner at ChampionShift, Bret Burchard, the book shares personal stories from professional athletes that reveal the 7 essential mindsets needed to reach and sustain world-class performance. It also provides tips for how you can develop these mindsets in yourself.

While it is written with the athlete and coach in mind, it is just as applicable to anyone looking to hoist the trophy in their respective pursuit. Our first five-star review even came from an elementary school administrator!

Beyond just the book, Bret launched the Catching Confetti training program, an 8-week online course to help you develop your mindset to a world-class level. It consists of 9 videos, 8 lessons, and the 7 mindsets with a workbook to complete on your own or with your team. 

And it’s all available RIGHT NOW at

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

My Future Self Paid Me a Visit From 2040

Future me paid myself a visit.

He feels some feelings I can't yet feel.

He says truths I can't yet utter.

He sees some realities I haven't yet imagined.

The best I can figure is that he was from the year 2040. And no, they haven't yet cured baldness. But he did have some great stories. I'm gonna laugh a whole lot over the next twenty years.

But it was a sobering conversation. I can't tell you all the topics we talked about. Some you wouldn't care about. Others are too provocative...for now. He did tell me the crazy idea I had a few months ago would work. I'll tell you about that crazy idea next month.

Now for the part of our conversation that pertains to you..

1. Nostalgia for what isn't coming back.

A world of two agreed-upon realities isn't coming back. It was nice to live in a world where everyone got their information from a few trusted sources. From those 2 trusted sources you were either "for" or you were "against". 2020 finished the fracturing that had already occurred years before. From here on reality was multi-varied.

2. Excitement for what will change.

In this multi-varied reality something new would happen. History would not repeat. The winner wouldn't write the textbooks, make history fit their propaganda, and start the cycle over again. This cycle interruption created what he called, "The Great Returning". 

He said that leaders in thriving countries were evaluated for their ability to guide growth and develop wisdom. Generating growth and developing wisdom were equally valued because both were necessary to lead people through all the disruptions.

He shared some truths I can't yet utter:

1. Social media surfaced an honesty: You can't beat biology and evolution.

He didn't want to get into this one too much. But he said a lot of the issues society was fighting about were finer points that would work themselves out. Part of the returning to wisdom he mentioned was that our institutions stopped telling others who to be. We learned that human dignity wasn't a zero sum game. A lot of the lies of industrialization that made work the main driver of someone's identity were replaced with a more honest assessment of natural desires.

2. There's no moment of a utopian arrival.

Technology wouldn't save us. No aliens were going to appear. Religions would look different than they do now just as agriculturalism changed them before. It was up to us in the complexity of life and doing hard things to build and rebuild step-by-step as we always have. He reiterated that human life advances in many small steps and unexpected leaps. He reminded me the world changes not from top down systems but transformed micro-communities.

He could tell my wheels were turning. He went for more clarity. So he said it this way:

"Work is shaped by industrialization. 

Religion is shaped by agriculturalism.

In 2020 neither have been fully shaped by the internet but that would change."

He went on...

He described some realities I haven't yet imagined:

He said most of how we use the internet right now is like the first time a human species tied a stick to a rock and had an axe. The internet was going to continue to change everything and we had barely tasted what was to come. It would be as different as that early human with a very rudimentary tool compared to our ability to split an atom. He said these changes came with pains, powers, and advancements.

Much of the extremist leadership of the left that over-imagined goodness and the extremist leadership of the right that over imagined badness continued to exhaust itself in struggle. Then leaders began to emerge to pick up the pieces and guide to wisdom. They guided from a timeless wisdom that knows the evil potential within a human is real but so is the potential for good.

Future self took me back in my mind to being 20 years old, sitting in a college class room and so sure of so many things. He reminded me of how much I had changed the last twenty years. He reminded me of how much I was sure of that ended up not being true. He said that would happen again. 

He did tell me what wouldn't change. He said I would still be as obsessed as ever with how people grow. And I would still be bald.

If your future self came for a visit what would they say? Let your imagination lead.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

This Is Harming Our Children

Do you ever feel overwhelmed at the amount of problems in...

Our world?

Your life?

Your work? 

You don’t need me to list them all here. 

The human heart and mind only have so much capacity. In fact, some theorize that our brains only have capacity for the suffering of around 150 or so people.

From an evolutionary standpoint that would have been the most people we could know.

Now we carry the suffering of the world. 

The fatigue from that shuts us down.

And it’s harming our children. 

I wish I could wave a magic wand and take all the corruption out of politics. 

Oh wait, I said I wouldn’t list through all the problems. Back on track...

You can’t solve every problem. There’s an incredible freedom in a laser focus on what you can do. 

What can I do? I create transformational coaching systems to help people grow their wisdom. 

What can I do for all the pain in our world?  Help bring peace to the home.

What can I do that might have the longest 4th order effect? Help parents as they help their children discover wisdom in the midst of all the chaos.

That’s why we’re sharing a new course with you... Figure That Parenting Out.

Click here to learn more.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

Good Enough Will Get You Started But Then You Need Quality

I got lazy with the quality of my online videos.

As a result, I wasn't posting more videos to YouTube.

That was dumb because it kept me blocked from helping more people with SightShift.


Quality matters.

Quality signals credibility.


But how do you develop your eye or a taste for quality?


When I was in high school I ate chicken nuggets with fries. Quality was different dipping sauces.

When I got married Bran introduced me to goat cheese and all the flavahs. Now dinner is a highlight of the day! It's like I'm living a different life when it comes to all the different flavors I now crave and enjoy.


It didn't happen overnight. It's been years of tasting, experimenting, and noticing.


When it comes to making videos I've only been eating chicken nuggets and I’ve been doing it without dipping sauces!


In our world today presenting with quality lighting, video, and audio will become more and more of a credibility signal. And while our online courses have always had a very high production value I was still recording videos and doing meetings with my iPad!! Chicken nuggets!


So I bought some new fancy gear. The lights, the audio, and nice camera. I was so proud! After all I have conferences to speak at and places to be...virtually of course.

And by gear, I mean GEAR. A legit lightbox that takes up 207% of the surface area of my office. A camera that has more options on it than asking my 3 daughters what they’d like for dinner.

A microphone that picks up all the noise every time the HVAC cuts on just like when an extended family member hears me open the liquor cabinet.


All that gear means quality! But I noticed something after my first 20 videos.


At first the audio sounded so good. Then I noticed I needed more of a broadcast mix like my podcast. And I had to learn about VST plugins.


At first, the HD was so sharp. Then I noticed the need for some coloring. And I had to learn about LUTs.


At first the lighting was bright and clear. Then I had to learn about kelvins.


I've been ready to upload but then I make it better.

For many of you reading this, just make the damn thing. Don't let perfect hold you back.

For some of you reading this, stop being lazy. See what you're doing for the first time. Fresh eyes. Fresh ears.


My eye for quality has increased. I'm still an amateur but I notice so so so much more.

I can hear the need for a broadcast mix. I can see the need for the coloring. I can notice the endless possibilities to create emotion with the lighting.


I don't aim to be world-class in this field. I still pay for video editing but the lessons apply:


1. Quality signals credibility. Where are you tolerating chicken nuggets when there's a world of spices?


2. Quality thrills because it evolves. Quality isn't boring. Quality zooms in but never pixelates. The more you notice then the more you'll notice. The world-class in any field notice wayyyyyy more than anyone else. It's fun getting better.


Whether it's grilling a burger or tasting a bourbon I have fun learning when it helps me complete a goal. My top goal: helping leaders stop spinning their wheels and start unleashing their full potential.


I can guide you to mastery faster than you thought possible.


Sign up here to join me for our next SightShift webinar.


Where are you upgrading your approach?

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

Burnout isn’t what you think it is

Burnout is real.

Fatigue will hinder you.

Self-care is the starting point NOT the endpoint.

If you took care of yourself but didn't upgrade your mindset then you missed the learning.

This is why burnout happens, and most will skim and miss how huge this is.

And here's the thing: Burnout isn’t what you think it is. 

“Research shows that the single biggest cause of work burnout is not work overload, but working too long without experiencing your own personal development.”

- Robert Kegan (adult development specialist and prof from Harvard)

Burnout is ultimately a struggle of identity. 

Here's one compelling story of burnout, by Tim Ferris, author of The 4 Hour Workweek. 

The key line in there: "My identity was gone"

Another way of saying this: You "lose your identity".

And by identity, I don't mean the parts of you (race, gender, sexuality...the parts), I mean IDENTITY (who you are that is more than every marker you could use...the whole).

Appreciate me, please?

According to a new Randstad survey of 2,000 US workers, 40% are so burned out they want to quit. A lack of growth & overloaded schedules are 2 reasons, but 4-in-10 say it's because their boss fails to appreciate their work.

Most would read this and think “the boss should show appreciation more”.

True. But this is victim-based thinking. It's better to show up to work with a mindset that can enjoy validation but not need it. That's the superior mindset.

This gets us beyond the banal, "My boss should appreciate me more."

Bottom line:

  • The root of burnout: Not being able to gain personal meaning from the work you’re doing.

  • The fruit of burnout: Inappropriate boundary setting.

How do you know you're on the path to burnout?

When you start aggressively seeking validation.

The reason the fight will wear you out is that you'll never be validated enough to fix that hole in you that wants to be known. We want to be seen, heard, and felt. Until we become our own resource for that we lead insecure. Burnout results.

Our Certified Coaches can help guide you through to recovery on the other side.

Here's a note from one of those coaches: 

"Many founders have so much growth but they burn out or can't enjoy the process, and I hope to help people expand their business and opportunities with less stress and more play." - David Sherry, SightShift Certified Coach ​

Book a free discovery call with us today. CLICK HERE.

Here are two more resources for you on burnout: 

1. Many business owners & leaders are thoughtful. They don't want to burn out the team but want their best. Learn how in this free audio lesson.

2. Watch a quick video I did on this topic below...

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

How To Serve The Young Professionals You Lead

The first step to not staying lost is admitting you're lost.

It seems obvious when you're out for a drive.

Yet missing the obvious is a modern bug to the features of being human.

It comes down to one word. VISION.

If you're a healthy leader you lead with healthy vision. You lead with the awareness that the PEOPLE are the vision.

If you're an unhealthy or undeveloped leader, you'll do more damage.

People lost their way. Leaders lost their way. Society lost their way. More than ever.

My obsession to help leaders grow in their awareness fuels me every day. More than ever.

1. Most people don't change. They harden into ideologies. The research has shown this over and over.

2. Massive change is possible for humans. Our brains have a neuro-plasticity that allows us to upgrade the guiding ideas of our lives.

Don't you love contradictions?

How do I process my way through the above contradictions to VISION?

I Accept Reality:

  • I don't care about my beliefs or other people's beliefs. How you act/behave/live are your real beliefs.

  • There are plenty of people that won't change. I can't accept responsibility for them.

I Move With Hope:

  • I love spending my time everyday working with people who make massive change.

This isn't a luxury. Stop assuming responsibility for the behavior of others.

Own full responsibility for your life.

You get to choose the community and relationships you build. You pick your investment.

I pick people who want to see how far they can go as leaders.

My friend Daniel is one of those people. His skill, passion, and awareness made him the partner I didn't know I was looking for. Together we released Emergent (

Here's a short video you can watch to meet him and hear our VISION.

We made EMERGENT for you to serve the young professionals you lead.

Our online training comes beside you to develop your young leaders. From creativity and resilience to inclusion and diversity, we guide them to maturity.

This is how Daniel and I help a hurting and divided world.

We want you to be a launch partner with us when we make our online training (EmLab) live to the public.

This is your special private invite.

If you lead young professionals...

If you're concerned about their development...

If you know the power of a customizable pathway of growth...

Head over to to learn how we can help.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

5 Mistakes I've Been Making

As you read this, please consider that this is more personal. You don't want to copy my approach or changes. Allow my words to surface your own awareness.

I'm happy and fulfilled. I'm also challenged.

The human capacity for growth is amazing when you consider you can exist in many states at once.

I've taken the change of my schedule during the recent crisis as an opportunity to reflect.

I can see 5 mistakes. I'm replacing them with 5 changes. (You don't stop mistakes or end them as much as you replace them.)

Before I get into these 5 mistakes note this: Mistakes and experiments are different.

I experiment almost weekly in small ways and quarterly in medium ways and yearly in a big way. I don't track it. This is my sense of rhythm. I know that without experiments that fail, I'm not growing. "Try again, Fail again, Fail better" as Beckett says.

Some of these were mistakes at that time. Some of them were the right strategy for that season. To do any of them for the current season is a mistake. (That nuance matters. Learn the difference between, "This is a wrong move if you keep doing it." and "This was a wrong move.")

MISTAKE #1: I put my hands in the dreams of others. This was a wrong move.

In 2017 I had one large customer. As the company was growing I was careful to get away from that. Good move.

In 2018 I had a few large contracts shaping up that I held space/energy for as they developed. Bad move. It caused me to put myself in a wasted holding pattern.

There was a smart move I was making in relation to this. I still kept developing relationships out of fun and joy with certified coaches. I will keep doing that. :-)

MISTAKE #2: I focused more on knowledge than action. This was a wrong move.

In August 2018 I was at a crossroads. I didn't commit to a pathway that would allow me to help others more. I wasted some precious time trying to gain more knowledge when I already knew enough for the next step. I wasn't putting myself into a feedback rich environment.

Smart move: Committing to a course of action.

MISTAKE #3: I said yes to being with lots of teams. This is a wrong move if I keep doing it.

The last two years have been a blast providing experiences for many companies. I've been taking the SightShift message to people from Fortune 100 to the smallest business. It's been great. I've had a front seat with the primary leaders.

I've gained an exponential amount of experiences to help me better serve leaders. Now I'm moving to do more through our certified coaches and online training.

MISTAKE #4: Confusing the experimental with the proven. This was a wrong move.

I'm always learning, exploring, experimenting, and growing. I have written 5 books and am working on a few more. I have the ideas and rough-form content for somewhere around 10 more. I experience my internal world as an endless playground of joyful exploration. But I confuse people when I mix the experimental with the proven.

Going forward I've created ways of experiencing my work to make this clear:

  • Figure That Shift Out is our proven process to help individuals transform their life and leadership. Our certified coaches are ready to guide you. From there people will have the opportunity to complete our other programs. Under the brand of "Figure That _____ Out" is where our tested, tried and proven programs exist for the individual.

  • Growth Multiplier is where our business training occurs with my partner James.

  • Emergent is where our guidance for young professionals occurs with my partner Daniel.

  • SightShift Athletes is where we serve coaches and athletes.

  • What about the experimental content? Well, I haven't stopped. I will share more on that later this summer.

MISTAKE #5: Being timid about what I can do to help others. This is a wrong move if I keep doing it.

We all have a freaky zone of genius. There's many templates that can help you figure yours out. I couldn't figure my own out for 10 years! For a decade I read every book I could find on purpose and mission. We use a template of pain, play, and magic in Section 8 of Figure That Shift Out. Jim Collins Hedgehog principle has also been valuable to me.

My wiring, obsessive studying, and using myself as a guinea pig has resulted in all that SightShift is. But the real impact of my work is when I cook it down to a transformational coaching system. That system isn't world class unless it maps onto your life with customization.

I hope you know your gifts with the same clarity. I hope you move toward them with boldness.

I've been timid in inviting others into how I can help. Again, it wasn't timidity at the time. It is if I keep doing it.

I'll be sticking with a strategy over the next six months that has me fired up out of my mind. I'll be sharing more stories of others who SightShift has changed. I'll be making sure you know how you can advance with us.

I'm not beating myself up about any of these. I'm excited for what's ahead. Then things will change again. More learning. More mistakes. More growth. More success.

What are your mistakes?

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

Mistakes Made and Making The World Better

Our world is hurting. Your world is hurting.

There will always be the poor and the powerful.

There will always be people who do something about it. They make the world better.

There will always be people who make it worse.

I want to make the world around me better. I've been too timid. It wasn't timidity at the time. It's timidity moving forward if there is no change.

Moving forward even when in pain is not for everyone. We're all in a collective wilderness now.

Moving forward in the pain of your wilderness is the path to become your best self. We need leaders who lead from their best self more than ever now.

There's so much that I can't help with or heal in our hurting world. But there is one specific way I can help and heal.


I don't trust leaders who aim to build perfect communities. I learned this the hard way in my early 20's. Trying to build a perfect community is futile. You lead with an authoritarianism that harms more than heals. The focus is in the wrong place because it's more about the community developing than the individual. All sustainable change is built on individual transformation.

I don't trust leaders who believe that you engineer society at a massive scale. They believe by building systems they can transform communities that then transform people. No change in human history has ever been positive or sustained with that approach.

Change starts at the individual level. The transformed individual impacts their micro-community. That community shapes systems that move society forward. This is the way.


For the last decade I've built my life around this idea. What is the way? Micro-apprenticeships for leaders (short engagements of coaching) so they can transform their communities.

That was smart. It's the best allocation of my life. And I am most in flow and fulfillment when taking that approach.

But I've also made mistakes.


You'll learn more from your mistakes than your successes. It's difficult to know all the underlying reasons that contributed to the win. The mistakes are fertile ground for advancing awareness.

  1. Learn to analyze your failures without suffocating under regret.

  2. Then you can isolate the possible reasons something didn't work.

  3. After you isolate the reasons you can start attempting what works and what doesn't.

I've had to rebuild from failures. Plural! Each was a gift. Each gave me a lifetime of experience.

Feedback-rich environments are key to accelerated learning. You need to be in a place where you are at the edge of your abilities and learning what is or isn't working. I learned more from a book called What I Learned Losing A Million Dollars than in my entire Master's program.


I wrote a book on mistakes in 2015 (

That book is a conversation between a rider and a driver as he coached him through seven mistakes. I knew when I titled the book I could talk about seven winning habits. There's a time and place for that. I didn't want to. I wanted the purity and honesty of my own expression of the 7 most monumental mistakes I had made. Those were the 7 mistakes that caused me unnecessary pain and suffering.

Then I could view the mistakes as gifts. The suffering had meaning.

On Thursday I'm going to share 5 new mistakes I've been making.

Want to root out mistakes and impact your world?

Two of those apprenticeship systems are about to go live.

1) New webinar coming up next week (June 8th at 10am EST):


You'll learn:

  • The #1 reason 'working harder' isn't producing the results you want to see (the answer may surprise you)

  • How to use every challenge for growth (working with what you have rather than waiting for perfect)

  • How to get where you want to go AND enjoy getting there

Save your spot HERE.

2) Figure That Parenting Out:

It's coming! I'll be offering a free event soon and teaching you about building a healthy family culture (in the midst of all the crazy of 2020, this is how you can help your kids). I hurt for families and the pain our kids are processing right now. Click below for a quick video about this:

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

Develop A Mindset For Mastery

Your imagination for how far you can take your impact is the false ceiling I want to help you break through.

There's more.

Not everyone wants to find out how far they can:

  • maximize their impact

  • enjoy the richness of life

  • renew from quality relationships

  • fascinate themselves with the power of their imagination

I've been thinking about this as basketball the last few weeks.

Two reasons this analogy came about for me...

First, we have a MAJOR announcement coming soon from SightShift Athletes. Dang it I want to share it all right now. Second, there is a lot of interest again in Michael Jordan based on the ESPN documentary. He is larger than life. He is the meme king again and again.

On the basketball court of life there are 3 players. (Don't miss that this isn't about basketball but about your leadership and relationships):


  • Their amygdala is ready for fight, flight, freeze, or flop

  • They move from trigger to exhaustion, stress to survival, and pain to blame on endless cycles

  • They move based on the movement of other players

They can not move to the next level until they accept full responsibility that no one is going to come rescue them.


  • They have a vision formed in the construct of the game as they know it

  • They have moments of clarity in the game and a few moments of reactivity

  • They move based on the movements happening around them trying to be one step ahead

They can not move to the next level until they stop focusing on being one step ahead and they see the whole game.


  • They aren't focusing on the current move or the next step

  • They are directing the momentum and energy of the game

  • They have maxed out the current ability of their potential and upgrade their mindset

  • They expand again and again by going to the edge of their abilities

Do you move based on the movement of other players?

Do you advance vision in a forward-backward motion of progress and stuckness?

OR Do you transcend and see time slow down so that you can step into the future and wait for it to arrive to you?

Time isn't linear. Neither is learning.

Most are reactive players.

There are lots of ways you can become a proactive player. That's pro level.

The path to mastery is different. It's subtlety. It's nuance. It's transcending the game.

I love guiding people into mastery. That's why I started Growth Multiplier with my friend James. It's dedicated to help leaders develop a mindset for mastery. The growth multiplier mindset is for those with serious leadership responsibility.

You will guide your organizations to greatness.

Join us for the free webinar series, starting this week! Register HERE.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

The Conversation Around The Fire Pit

I love sitting around the fire.

There are ancient, mysterious, and comforting emotions about it. I also enjoy s’mores like your favorite introverted family member is loving puzzles right now.

We’ve got a lot of genes in our body that know when we are sitting around the fire. Those genes know we are CONNECTED to something within and without. Something internal and external that feels symbiotic and aligned. It’s the yin/yang of the me and the we.


If you and I were to sit around the fire right now I have 1 question I would really like to ask you: Click here to take my quick, 1-question poll.


I’d also like to make sure you’re making the most of this moment.

It’s really easy for our brains to kick into reactive mode. And when you’re being reactive you’re not advancing Vision.

I remember reading a quote years ago: “Hell is meeting the person you could have become.”

Who might you become?

If you stopped hesitating? If you stopped making false moves? If you stopped reacting? If you started considering in all the craziness, “Has the last few years had me on a trajectory I want?”

“Do I like who I’m becoming?”

“Am I developing and activating a vision of where I want go?”

None of these questions are easy, even in the easiest of times. It’s even more difficult to move against the pull of the overload of the pain and crisis of this moment. I know this moment is emotionally taxing. And self care is important.

But if you make the self-care the finish line you’ll never experience all the transformation this moment could bring you.

Suffering reveals the flabbiness of my mindset. And yours.

Mind if I stir things up for a moment?

You have no obligation to be who you were 3 months ago or 3 minutes ago. Rarely will you find a moment such as this one, which lets you re-imagine EVERYTHING.

All vision ends where your imagination ends. If you can’t imagine it being different, it won’t be different.

I want to meet that version of me and for him to say, “You took it further than I could have imagined.”

I’m making changes. There’s no moment like now as the world grapples with this crisis. And I hope you join me in reimagining.

How can I help you reimagine?

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

Figuring Out What’s Now and What’s Next

The greatest secrets lie within.

Every place you feel afraid, every decision you’re agonizing over, and every uncertainty that wakes you up in the middle of the night is a gift.

This isn’t hype. This isn’t self-help grossness that glosses over reality.

I wish I had so much more time to break this down for you (doing a lot of video recording this to come soon!).

There are people who pressure you and say you’re suffering because you’re attached. “Be detached” they say!

Well guess what? They are attached to being detached. They seek to prove their enlightenment.

Some people get more aggressive. They might say, “All the parts of you that want the wrong things, well, just starve that part of you.”

Or "If you want the right things for the wrong reasons then just starve those parts of you.”

Insert the good-wolf / bad-wolf parable that has been distorted to imply more discipline will change you. More discipline doesn’t change you if it’s not aligned with desire. These people hide from their truth.

Actually, the path of transformation is a circle.

1. You hear the hungry cry of the “‘bad wolf”.

2. You see the deeper desire beyond the things you call “bad”.

3. You feel the “bad wolf” being fed good food.

4. You enjoy the change within and harnessing the fullness of who you are.

You have two healthy wolves where most people have one over fed and one that is emaciated.

You’re more creative. You’re more powerful. You’re more insightful. You’re more energetic. You stand in the electric middle of both wolves.

Then you do it again. And again.

The fun is in recognizing that every moment of fear and insecurity is for your growth. There's no reason to beat up on your ego ever again. Instead, you can grow and mature it.

I love teaching people how to do that. Everything else changes afterward.

You see so clearly within that you figure out what’s now and what’s next even when the news is really scary.

Want a before and after experience?

Reach out to us at with "now is my time" to learn more.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.

SightShift Certified Coaches: Features

We select only the best to
work through SightShift as Certified Coaches. 

Our coaches help you become brilliant at leading yourself, and then others.

Some of them do this work with the general public, while others work exclusively within their own organizations. They’re outstanding individuals and I’m proud to work with each and every one of them.

We wanted to highlight some of these amazing coaches and share their stories with you, so we interviewed them about their experience of working through SightShift.


Timmy coaches within his organization (RCO Limited, the largest Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers franchise) and he’s been able to make a great impact on that level.

Since graduating from Wittenberg University with a degree in English in 2002, Timmy has been building RCO Limited, the Ohio Franchise Partner of Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers, to be the largest franchise organization within the Raising Cane’s system. With 25 restaurants in Central Ohio, Cincinnati and Dayton as of 2017, and 25 more in the works for the coming three years, he has kept busy in the real estate development and human resources side of the business.

With RCO Limited growing at a significant pace, and with the access to Wintrust Franchise Finance growth capital, Timmy continues to work with the development oriented team members that are a part of RCO Limited to grow themselves and their company together.

1. Why do you enjoy coaching people through SightShift?

 I enjoy coaching people through SightShift because I know how much it has impacted my life and who I am today, and I want to allow others to have the same opportunity.

2. How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you? 

The way it continues to impact my life is it reminds me to be ok with who I am and to know my worth, without being worried what others think.

3. What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift in your organization? 

If I can help one person realize that they are enough as the person they are, then I have accomplished what I have set out to do.


Mike has a wealth of experience in serving and supporting individuals in obtaining the clarity, direction and courage they need to make confident decisions. At the outset of his career, Mike worked for more than 13 years in higher education serving in various administrative and advisory roles. Within these roles Mike utilized and built upon his personal strengths of training, advising, mentoring and leadership. As rewarding as this was, Mike was unsettled and felt there was more to his vocation and calling.

In July of 2010, Mike took a contract role that landed him on the corporate side of a fast-growing direct sales organization. This organization was an amazing community of people with great purpose and an inspiring mission to serve individuals by empowering them to dream bigger, set and reach big goals, work from their strengths and make a difference in their lives and the lives of their family and community. It was here that he discovered his path to purpose and impact in leadership development and executive coaching.

Today, Mike knows that his purpose is to support and guide professionals and entrepreneurs in becoming more secure, self-aware leaders of self and others. Empowering individuals to make better decisions, focus their life and mission, overcome fears and insecurities and accelerate their growth and success as they define it.

1. Why do I enjoy coaching people through SightShift?

Coaching people through SightShift is amazing and rewarding for so many reasons. The first and biggest is that it isn't a program geared toward a solution or single outcome. It is a framework for lifelong learning, growth, leadership development and successfully navigating the highs and lows of life. You are building your own road map, rather than trying to make someone else's map work for you. Truly life-changing.

2. How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you?

The ideas and practices within SightShift continue to impact me because it's not about answers or a's about asking better questions and the journey. This turns every experience throughout each and every day into an opportunity to learn more about yourself, others around you, and how to continue to develop into a stronger, more secure version of yourself. To constantly be learning to lead yourself more effectively, and therefore lead others more effectively.

3. What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift?

As a leadership development and executive coach my hope is to serve, support, equip and empower individuals in filtering out the noise and hype that gets in the way of knowing who they are, what they really want, and how they can have the biggest positive impact on their world and those in it. As I support others in doing this, I can't help but grow right along with them and continue to have the same impact.


David Sherry is the Founder of Death to Stock, a subscription service and platform that provides refreshing visuals to over 500,000 subscribers around the globe. He met Chris early in his career and was transformed by SightShift right at the most important stage of building his business.

He continues to go as deep as he can working with mentors and programs from all over, dedicating his time to reading and exploring how people can help realize the vision they have for the life they want to lead in work and relationships.

1. Why do you enjoy coaching people through SightShift?

I find that every single meeting we discuss something that is so deep and important but has to date been covered up. It feels like the only space for founders and creators to discuss important aspects of their work and lives with someone who can understand, listen and reflect back what's most important in the moment.

2. How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you?

Every year I feel like my foundation grows stronger. I'm less stressed than ever and I continue to find life more engaging, fascinating and fun!

3. What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift?

I hope to truly help people build a rock solid foundation in their relationship with themselves, which lets them give more, lead themselves in every area of their life, and learn to relax and enjoy the present moment more. Many founders have so much growth but they burn out or can't enjoy the process, and I hope to help people expand their business and opportunities with less stress and more play.


She currently serves as the Marketing & Communications Director at C3 Church. Prior to that Danielle spent 10 years in corporate brand marketing roles at various CPG companies (including Kellogg, Abbott Nutrition, & Bob Evans Farms). She is a wife and mother of two beautiful boys. Her "identity activity" is gardening, and she continues to uncover new dreams and desires for her life every single day.

1. Why do you enjoy coaching people through SightShift?

We say it all the time about the work and results: "you get out of it what you put in it". I think one of my favorite things about coaching people through SightShift is empowering them to do the work and seeing them grow as a result of it. There is very little I can "take credit for" when others have huge breakthroughs. Rather, I am there to guide them and encourage them. I love being the cheerleader in their corner as they journey through their own self-discovery. Celebrating other people's growth and seeing it positively affect their relationships is my favorite part.

2. How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you?

I use these tools every single day! I plan on being a life-long learner of Figure That Shift Out. It has not only affected my life personally but even working in ministry. I am having daily conversations with people, leveraging many of these tools to help others navigate things affecting their lives.

3. What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift?

I hope to help others find their true gifts, passions, and desires and start sharing those with the world. When we all begin to step out in a secure identity and it flows into our mission and community, we can contribute so much more to this world.


He is the Executive Director of C3 Church. Gary is also a John Maxwell certified coach and throughout his career, he's started several churches in various states and other countries.

1. Why do you enjoy coaching people through SightShift?

I love watching people have the “aha” or breakthrough moments. There is nothing like guiding people to clarity and helping them relax into their secure identity.

2. How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you?

Secure leadership is the best leadership. Our staff has made huge strides in their ability to lead others, as they are able to walk in a secure identity that is not at risk based on the situation.

3. What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift?

I use the tools everyday. Every time I walk someone else through Figure That Shift Out, it reinforces them even more. I am able to stay in a healthy space due to the repetition.

Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?

Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.