You can stop hating those who seemed to know from a young age.
Do you know anyone who's not happy with their work right now?
You can forward this to them if you want.
Or maybe it's you?
The number of times I have sat down with an executive from a major company and they've told me, "I wish I could do what you're doing"...
You didn't want to be a wage slave with an endless grind and no meaning.
You wanted to take care of your family.
Or you wanted to buy your mom that new car.
The crossroads that you're at right now...I've been there.
You're holding onto hope that you can use your skills and passions to carve out an impact in the world that also allows you to build an income.
For me, I think of this as the choice between the career mindset and the mission mindset.
There's a reason they call it "career counseling".
Counseling is good. I've gotten counseling before. When I need help and comfort.
But to start a career journey with career counseling puts us in the career mindset.
The process infects our minds with a malaise that sets up choices out of being naive or fear.
It feels like a choice between work that matters and working for money.
It's not your fault. The career mindset is a dead-end of endless work without impact on others' lives.
The college lie is that you can pick a perfect path in a world full of increasing uncertainty.
You've been taught to fit in and suppress what would help you find your way forward.
And now you couldn't get a small loan for a business idea even though they had no problem giving you a huge loan for a degree.
I've walked the contours of this journey between career and mission. It feels like so many wasted pages.
After working with my dad I told him 'no' so I could launch out on my own.
Lost a lot in real estate.
Led some organizations through change.
Substitute taught to try and just earn some money.
Was a professor for a while and saw upfront how much pain and fear college students were in over their choices.
Figured out the key shifts to finally realize how to answer the question of what you want to be when you grow up.
And how to stop hating those who have seemed to know from a young age.
Coaching is for action.
I've hired coaches when I had a problem that I wanted to be fixed.
Lacking a mission mindset is a fixable problem.
You move from a mundane career to a mission of meaning and your job might even stay the same.
You move from a career that needs counseling to a mission that is activated by coaching.
You move from a mediocre community of careerists to a mission-minded community pursuing mastery.
You don't have to regret or burn your previous life chapters.
A new chapter awaits.
New focus.
Wise decisions.
Relationships that inspire.
I'm going to be sharing the key shifts to move from a career mindset to a mission mindset at a new live event.
I'll be sharing a part of my story I have never shared before online.
A career mindset sets you up for pain.
The pain you feel right now as you look at your degree and hard work and wonder what is wrong with you that you can't figure this career thing out.
Do you have a career mindset or a mission mindset?
Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?
Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.
If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.