The Next Emotional Wave You Can Prepare For In Those You Lead

You can’t lead with impact if you can’t read the room.

Reading the room is a skill you can develop*.

Here’s where the room is headed...

I am about to paint with broad brushstrokes. Hang with me for a moment. You need to see where we are headed.

6 months ago, if I was speaking somewhere I could say this line: “You think millennials are lazy, but they aren’t. They just don’t want your life.

Some would openly laugh. Some nervously.

Damn all the caveats I have to add right now:

I work with amazing millennials. And boomers. And GenXers. I don’t like generational stereotypes and I don’t promote my work that way because they are just labels. We are all human.

In fact, name any stereotype and I’ve probably coached someone who’s amazing at being human in their field. Lawyers, doctors, hospital administrators at the highest level, financial executives, CEOs of wildly different companies AND people running tiny businesses, those who are doing hourly work, non-profit leaders, and one-person businesses.

Please hear me. I’ve seen all the stereotypes broken.

However, at a societal level, there’s been an anger developing between boomers and millennials. And as a GenXer I have observed the tension in the middle.

Boomers have said, “Here’s what it takes to have my life.”

Millennials have said back, “I don’t want your life.

That sentiment had been passed on to generation z. Some referred to Covid-19, very alarmingly, as the “boomer remover”.

There are awesome boomers. There are awesome millennials.

There are also those who are terrible. The stark reality is there are some boomers in institutional leadership that have failed to build a better world, a world that others would want.

Short of any better imaginative way forward, we’ve been kinda stuck there as a developed society for a bit.

Covid-19 will erase the sharper divides of generational distinctions.

The emotion in the room will become a collective experience that transcends age difference.

After the shock of the Covid-19 realities set in, that emotion will surface. That emotion will be anger.

A lot of larger companies are already discovering how much more some people get done at home. Less politics. Less dumb meetings...eventually. (Yes, some get much less done depending on their situation.) And they are about to discover they need about half the people to do it. There will be lots of pain, hurt, and disappointment.

Additionally, for a lot of the workers a crisis like Covid-19 surfaces one blistering reality: Is the point of my existence to chase better ways of being productive or is there something more?

We need to imagine new ways forward.

We need a better healthcare system. We need an educational process that isn’t just for testing and keeping kids somewhere so parents can work. We need so many new innovations. We need to get to the horizon beyond so many of our problems with completely new ways of building our lives.

Innovation comes out of crisis. And there’s a coming wave of innovation.

BUT first there’s a coming wave of anger that will need direction. The anger can be useful energy to tear down and to build up. We’ll need lots of both.

You can’t imagine a new spring until you accept the reality of the fall season and find a new hope in your winter. Spring will come. It’s not here yet. (This is what The Stuck Book is all about.)

1. Right now, you need to lead with truth and comfort.

2. Privately, allow yourself to get angry about whatever bothers you that you think needs to be done differently, however small or large the need for change is in your world.

3. When you see anger start to surface in those you lead, affirm it.

4. Then when that anger starts to become more of the collective experience of those in the room, give them the new way forward and ask them to take action with you. Be specific.

The healthiest and most diabolical leaders in history have used the 4 actions above. If you’re leading for your validation you will make a diabolical choice. If you’re leading to serve others you can be trusted with more.

Or, keep thinking the room was the same as 6 months ago.

*There are some brains on the learning spectrum that have a harder time accessing empathy and have a hard time reading others. I refuse to label that a disorder.


Today we want to highlight another one of our amazing certified coaches! Danielle Milliken currently serves as the Marketing & Communications Director at C3 Church.

Prior to that Danielle spent 10 years in corporate brand marketing roles at various CPG companies (including Kellogg, Abbott Nutrition, & Bob Evans Farms). She is a wife and mother of two beautiful boys. Her "identity activity" is gardening, and she continues to uncover new dreams and desires for her life every single day.

We asked her some questions recently and she told us about the experience of coaching through SightShift:

Why do you enjoy coaching people through SightShift?

We say it all the time about the work and results: "you get out of it what you put in it". I think one of my favorite things about coaching people through SightShift is empowering them to do the work and seeing them grow as a result of it. There is very little I can "take credit for" when others have huge breakthroughs. Rather, I am there to guide them and encourage them. I love being the cheerleader in their corner as they journey through their own self-discovery. Celebrating other people's growth and seeing it positively affect their relationships is my favorite part.

How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you?

I use these tools every single day! I plan on being a life-long learner of Figure That Shift Out. It has not only affected my life personally but even working in ministry. I am having daily conversations with people, leveraging many of these tools to help others navigate things affecting their lives.

What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift?

I hope to help others find their true gifts, passions, and desires and start sharing those with the world. When we all begin to step out in a secure identity and it flows into our mission and community, we can contribute so much more to this world.

>> Are you ready to work with coaches like Danielle to make this your best year yet? Click here to apply to work 1-on-1 with us.


2 Resources To Help You Comfort and Lead Your Team

I spend time thinking about 3 things a lot right now. Two of them are completely new:

1. What will be different about the world 6 months or 2 years from now? I’m seeing trends accelerate or reverse. Not much middle ground.

2. How can I stay a little ahead of the way people lose their minds? It’s like driving - I’m not worried as much about me but the other driver has me driving defensively. I’m not used to thinking about this in regards to food distribution and basic services. Plus just basic survival. Our oven went out this week and suddenly steps that were usually easy were now becoming very complicated.

The third thing, and the thing I've always thought about, is how I can best be of service to you.

My schedule has been crazier than usual with you reaching out to me and I’m so thankful.

Much of those communications have had a theme.

Many of the folks who reach out in response to these emails are those who have been through our premier program Figure That Shift Out and have learned how to be resilient even when the circumstances are very difficult.

There’s nothing more powerful than a relaxed and harnessed mind. And the time when you need that the most is when it’s most difficult to access: In a crisis.

But many of you have done that work. And I’m so proud of the work you’ve done to be ready for this moment so you can lead well.

The skill people have been reaching out for the most is how to best communicate, comfort, and lead the people on your team when they are afraid.

So I’m going to share 2 audio resources with you that are only on our online academy:

A. Here’s a talk on how to change your approach based on what the situation needs. Some of you are being too syrupy. Some aren’t empathetic enough. Some are too direct. Some aren’t direct enough. Learn how to give what is needed.

B. As you put together a communication piece, here’s an audio on how to put together a life changing talk. It also applies to that 3-minute video you need to send to your team.

If you can let this moment grow you, then you’ll be able to provide solid leadership to those you care for and grow your skills.

>> What I cover above will help you present by video and to empty rooms where you’re being recorded at the same level as you would if you were on a stage.

>> Watching someone do it will also accelerate your vision on how to do it yourself.

Peacetime will come again. The skills you gain in wartime help you sustain the peacetime.


There Are Two Kinds Of People

Right now there are 2 kinds of people...

1. Those waiting for normal to return.

2. Those who know normal never returns (because that’s not how life works).

I flew on February 10 with a mask on my face. Then sometime around the end of February, reality really sunk in. This would be a dramatic before-and-after moment.

Like all significant moments, it’s what you do with them.

Do you get caught off guard?

Or do you stand there waiting for the future to arrive, even actively helping shape it to be better than the past was?

As a GenXer, the world I grew up in was about :


The world will now be more about:


Governments will shift. Economies will shift too. Your kids have already shifted.

Maybe you're counting on "some date in May" or "________, when finally you’ll be able to ______________". We’ll see.

I'm wondering, what words would you add to these changes? How do you see the world shifting?

Finally, you know my obsession is about how to help you and your teams deepen their community (even by video!) and become as resilient as possible, right?

In the last crisis when I was substitute teaching and hustling for groceries, I still spent money on 2 programs that helped me grow and develop to be ready for this crisis. We are still growing and having people reach out. No matter the economy, there are always people willing to grow.

But if you’re hurting from a crisis and don’t have resources, let us know. We’ll help provide growth and inspiration no matter what.


This Is Your Time

Hard circumstances surface fragilities.

Specifically, they surface the fragility of our mindset and of our systems.

Some of you had marital drift pre-corona, and now you’re quarantined together... Some of you struggled with leading your team and now you have the added challenge of doing it remotely… The market isn’t collapsing just because of Covid-19 but the virus surfaces the bloat...

The pain is real. Very real.

I’ve been in contact with business owners all week. There’s lots of hope and there’s lots of devastation. In war, hesitation kills.

Right now, when you might be feeling afraid, bothered or concerned, it’s the perfect time for you to develop resiliency and to tap into your vision for the future.

Because that future belongs to those who, right now, take the time to learn to see their vision in the dark AND learn to practice their vision in the dark.

You’ve probably heard me talk about our 2020 Navigate Series (a 9-part monthly series about the “how-to” of leadership growth, from unlocking potential to unlocking power).

And you may have given it little attention because, so far, it’s only been held in-person in Columbus, OH.

But we’re now moving it online. That means that it’s accessible world-wide!

This series will make you resilient now.

Each session will FUTURE-proof your resiliency.

This is the time to grow (while work things move slow).

Click here to save your spot for an upcoming session.  


How we can help you move forward now and everyday

During the last economic crisis I got knocked all the way down. 

Some of you already know my story of being on the deck of the house that we were renting and holding an eviction notice in my hand. During the last crisis I was substitute teaching. I’d take my lunch break and go to the school library, where I was reading and researching for all that I was building for what is now called SightShift. On the days when I couldn’t get a substitute teaching job, I would work on SightShift. 

I would feel a recoil of pain. The pain was real. But it positioned me for a re-visioning. 

When you feel afraid, bothered or concerned...that is your moment!! All vision starts with where you are emotionally disturbed.

Deep down you know it can be different. It can be better. 

The future belongs to those who know how to be poised. 

In the dark they sharpen their vision.

In the dark they practice their vision like it will be a reality tomorrow. 

The world will forever be different after this point in time.

We don’t know all those differences yet but the fork already happened. Those with vision will be standing there ready. The rest will try and catch up.

I think everyone who read my blog appreciates the need to prepare without panicking. 

I would bet everyone reading this appreciates the need to be calm, clear, and decisive right now with your leadership, teams, and business. 

For those of you who are friends and we meet in person, text, or speak by phone...I AM HERE FOR YOU in any way I can be...socially distanced of course. :-)

For most of my 20’s I was the ant. I made a massive grasshopper mistake in my late 20’s while leading through the 2008 crisis. In my 30’s I was surviving and rebuilding. Now in my 40’s I’m not as prepared as I would like to be for the crisis, but I have learned too many powerful lessons to put in one email. But here are two:

Learn to see your vision in the dark.

Learn to practice your vision in the dark.

I’ll be helping people with those lessons through 5 areas of service:


For the near- term, I’m still coaching the founder/owner/team leader and our certified coaches are here to serve your team. I’ll say this multiple times, but we are already coaching by video and audio. Because our coaching programs are based in guided learning, we get the same results by phone as in person. 

All of our coaching programs are supported by text, video, and audio. BOOM. The other fun fact is we are ready. We currently have 7x the capacity with that continually increasing due to the growth of our certification program.


Online coaching has been exploding and will only continue to grow. We’ll be continuing to certify coaches in our process. We have certified coaches from east to west coast. 

Certification has never required an in person process. And for those of you who want to leverage your skills with where the market is headed, we can move as fast as you can. Most adept and aware leaders have about $90,000.00 USD in annual income in their network for people they coach with the right training.


I’ve created 9 specific learning journeys for our programs and have also been creating learning journeys for organizations for years. I can help your company develop a customized learning journey to build and fill your leadership pipeline. (Side note: If you’re a coach I can help you build your learning journey and shape how you digitize the learning journey for impact.) 


Even after work and life resumes some semblance of normal...there will be no return. ‘Normal’ will be different. What will stay true is that your ability to communicate, influence, tell stories, and put together a talk on demand will be an essential skill. Actually, your ability to discover, develop, and deliver a message will be more valuable than ever. For years, I’ve guided people through our 8-part program on speaking. And until recently it has only been private. I want to help you practice your vision in the dark so when the lights come back on you’re ready. 


You know innovation happens in moments like this. Economic crises birth them. And those who know how to make money will do it again. Those who just ride the economy will stumble and falter. I started 2 other companies over the last few months with partners that are people who practice vision in the dark. 

When the light switch flips back on we’ll have a host of companies we helped make ready. One is and the other is only for private clients currently. Both of those will continue, as we do online trainings, online workshops, and product creation. I’ll share more soon as we continue to move forward.


How Secure Leaders Handle A Crisis

There has been a lot of uncertainty and worry around us lately (we seem to mention the corona virus and the stock market within every conversation).

Now, I actually don’t watch the news, but I use a few key sources through which I keep informed of key events. And when I heard of Jack Welch’s passing, I instantly thought back to the books of his that I’ve read and the parts of them that had a lasting impact on me.

So I dug up an audio from a past podcast episode that I want to share with you, because it’s so applicable in our current environment.

In this 15-minute audio, I walk through the lessons I’ve taken from Jack Welch’s book “Winning” about how to handle a crisis.

>> Click here to listen to “How Secure Leaders Handle a Crisis” <<

Here’s a reality check: you’ll face crises in some way or another. It’s inevitable.

So let me share the 5 things that you must assume when you’re in a crisis (and how you can apply that in your secure leadership).

The first two might surprise you…

#1: Assume that the problem is worse than it appears

#2: Assume there are no secrets in the world and that everyone will eventually find out everything.

It might seem counter-intuitive but listen in and hear me out...


3 Actions For a Great Culture

In this post, I want to share an audio from one of the lessons in our Figure That Leadership Out course.

>> Click here to listen to ‘3 Actions for a Great Culture’ where I talk about…

  • Why ‘great culture’ DOES NOT mean ‘a fun work environment’

  • The 3 actions you MUST do (and repeat) in order to create a great culture

  • How to SUSTAIN the key actions you need for a thriving organization

This page from our Campfire Workbook + the accompanying Culture Roadmap (click here to grab that) serves as a supplement to the audio lesson. Use these as you like.

And when you’re ready to jump into this work on a whole new level (through our Campfire offer or through a talk on culture at your organization), let’s chat!


Over the next several posts, I want to highlight some of our amazing Certified Coaches here at SightShift. Today, I'm introducing you to Gary Fowler.

Today, we want to introduce you to Gary Fowler, one of our Certified Coaches and the Executive Director of C3 Church. Gary is also a John Maxwell certified coach and throughout his career, he's started several churches in various states and other countries.

Here's our brief interview with Gary, where he talks about his work with SightShift:

1. Why do you enjoy coaching people through SightShift?

I love watching people have the “aha” or breakthrough moments. There is nothing like guiding people to clarity and helping them relax into their secure identity.

2. How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you?

Secure leadership is the best leadership. Our staff has made huge strides in their ability to lead others, as they are able to walk in a secure identity that is not at risk based on the situation.

3. What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift?

I use the tools everyday. Every time I walk someone else through Figure That Shift Out, it reinforces them even more. I am able to stay in a healthy space due to the repetition.

Are you ready to work with coaches like David to make 2020 your best year yet? Click here to apply to work 1-on-1 with us.


Don't Fight Your Ego

When people are trying to figure out how to lead at their best and show up as their best selves in the world, a popular topic gets brought up: getting beyond your ego.

But what most people don’t realize is that it’s not your ego that you’re battling, it’s your insecurity.

Someone who’s leading at their best, who’s showing up as their best self and who’s in a state of flow understands that who they are is the individual and how they are connected.

We need to ask ourselves, “What’s the insecure drive here? What’s needed here and how can I access that within myself?”

It’s not about the fight with your insecure identity or with your ego.

The best leaders aren’t worried about what others think of them.

They show up ready to lead because they were able to identify what needs to be given that will make their ego whole. Not only do they not need the opinions of others, they're overflowing with their best self and ready to share with others!

We need to relax and take a step back to reflect. This is what a great leader does. They don’t fight, they grow.

So, if you find yourself gritting your teeth, ready to go into battle…you’re doing it wrong!

Do yourself a favor and relax into it; you’ll move into your best leadership.


Over the next several posts, I want to highlight some of our amazing Certified Coaches here at SightShift. Today, I'm introducing you to David Sherry.

David Sherry is the Founder of Death to Stock, a subscription service and platform that provides refreshing visuals to over 500,000 subscribers around the globe. He met Chris early in his career and was transformed by SightShift right at the most important stage of building his business.

He continues to go as deep as he can working with mentors and programs from all over, dedicating his time to reading and exploring how people can help realize the vision they have for the life they want to lead in work and relationships.

We interviewed David and here's what he had to say about his work through SightShift:

1. Why do you enjoy coaching people through SightShift?

I find that every single meeting we discuss something that is so deep and important but has to date been covered up. It feels like the only space for founders and creators to discuss important aspects of their work and lives with someone who can understand, listen and reflect back what's most important in the moment.

2. How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you?

Every year I feel like my foundation grows stronger. I'm less stressed than ever and I continue to find life more engaging, fascinating and fun!

3. What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift?

I hope to truly help people build a rock solid foundation in their relationship with themselves, which lets them give more, lead themselves in every area of their life, and learn to relax and enjoy the present moment more. Many founders have so much growth but they burn out or can't enjoy the process, and I hope to help people expand their business and opportunities with less stress and more play.

Are you ready to work with coaches like David to make 2020 your best year yet? Click here to apply to work 1-on-1 with us.


Don't Waste Your Time

I want to help set you up for success.

Here’s the one thing that’ll make a huge difference to how things play out over the next few days…

Let “A” tasks crowd out the unnecessary stuff.

What do you do that makes the most money?

Those are your “A” tasks.

Build them into your calendar and make sure they have priority over everything else.

What can you cut out of your work week? Or where can you shrink the time allotted?


Over the next several posts, I want to highlight some of our amazing Certified Coaches here at SightShift. Today, I'm introducing you to Mike Clouse.

Mike has a wealth of experience in serving and supporting individuals in obtaining the clarity, direction and courage they need to make confident decisions. At the outset of his career, Mike worked for more than 13 years in higher education serving in various administrative and advisory roles. Within these roles Mike utilized and built upon his personal strengths of training, advising, mentoring and leadership. As rewarding as this was, Mike was unsettled and felt there was more to his vocation and calling.

In July of 2010, Mike took a contract role that landed him on the corporate side of a fast-growing direct sales organization. This organization was an amazing community of people with great purpose and an inspiring mission to serve individuals by empowering them to dream bigger, set and reach big goals, work from their strengths and make a difference in their lives and the lives of their family and community. It was here that he discovered his path to purpose and impact in leadership development and executive coaching.

Today, Mike knows that his purpose is to support and guide professionals and entrepreneurs in becoming more secure, self-aware leaders of self and others. Empowering individuals to make better decisions, focus their life and mission, overcome fears and insecurities and accelerate their growth and success as they define it.

We interviewed Mike recently, and here's what he had to say about his work through SightShift:

Why do I enjoy coaching people through SightShift?

Coaching people through SightShift is amazing and rewarding for so many reasons. The first and biggest is that it isn't a program geared toward a solution or single outcome. It is a framework for lifelong learning, growth, leadership development and successfully navigating the highs and lows of life. You are building your own road map, rather than trying to make someone else's map work for you. Truly life-changing.

How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you?

The ideas and practices within SightShift continue to impact me because it's not about answers or a's about asking better questions and the journey. This turns every experience throughout each and every day into an opportunity to learn more about yourself, others around you, and how to continue to develop into a stronger, more secure version of yourself. To constantly be learning to lead yourself more effectively, and therefore lead others more effectively.

What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift?

As a leadership development and executive coach my hope is to serve, support, equip and empower individuals in filtering out the noise and hype that gets in the way of knowing who they are, what they really want, and how they can have the biggest positive impact on their world and those in it. As I support others in doing this, I can't help but grow right along with them and continue to have the same impact.

Are you ready to work with coaches like Mike to make 2020 your best year yet? Click here to apply to work 1-on-1 with us.


I Want To Introduce You To Someone

As you may have heard, we launched our NAVIGATE Series earlier this year, where leaders come together in Columbus for a couple of hours each month. They listen, engage, and learn the skills they need to become the best leader they can be.

We discuss our mindset, our challenges, our identities.

And people are loving it and are getting tons of value from it!

Now, this is in a group setting, so imagine the career changing (and LIFE changing) development you can achieve with some 1:1 coaching.

At SightShift, we teach you the skills to become your best. Coaching isn't a transfer of motivation from me to you. It's a transfer of skill.

Here’s a story from one of our clients:

"SightShift is a next-level, whole self-emotional, spiritual and mental makeover. Chris digs deep and brings to light the things I thought I had worked through in my life that were actually major stumbling blocks for my current day business!

Each week, my mind was blown and I was growing as a leader, a business owner, a family member and a friend.

I have to say, I'm a better entrepreneur, leader and PERSON, after working through SightShift. Chris McAlister's lessons will truly change your life AND your business.“

- Christian T.

We select only the best to work through SightShift as Certified Coaches who effectively help you become brilliant at leading yourself, and then others. Some of them do this work with the general public, while others work exclusively within their own organizations. They’re outstanding individuals and I’m proud to work with each and every one of them.

Today, I want you to meet one of those Coaches: Timmy McCarthy, Founder/Culture Captain at RCO Limited (the largest Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers Franchise). His coaching is done within his organization and he’s been able to make a great impact on that level.


Since graduating from Wittenberg University with a degree in English in 2002, Timmy has been building RCO Limited, the Ohio Franchise Partner of Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers, to be the largest franchise organization within the Raising Cane’s system. With 25 restaurants in Central Ohio, Cincinnati and Dayton as of 2017, and 25 more in the works for the coming three years, he has kept busy in the real estate development and human resources side of the business. Raising Cane’s was Nation’s Restaurant News’ 2003 Hot Concept of the Year and has been featured in Chain Leader, QSR Magazine, and Nation’s Restaurant News.

With RCO Limited growing at a significant pace, and with the access to Wintrust Franchise Finance growth capital, Timmy continues to work with the development oriented team members that are a part of RCO Limited to grow themselves and their company together. This allows him to develop into his highest and best use as site selector and RCO’s Founder/Culture Captain.

We did a quick interview with him last week. Here’s what he had to say:

1. Why do you enjoy coaching people through SightShift? I enjoy coaching people through SightShift because I know how much it has impacted my life and who I am today, and I want to allow others to have the same opportunity.

2. How do the ideas and practices continue to impact you? The way it continues to impact my life is it reminds me to be ok with who I am and to know my worth, without being worried what others think.

3. What do you hope to accomplish by guiding people through SightShift in your organization? If I can help one person realize that they are enough as the person they are, then I have accomplished what I have set out to do.

Are you ready to work with coaches like Timmy to make 2020 your best year yet?

Click here to apply to work 1-on-1 with us. Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.

If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.


How To Use Your Truth To Make Choices

I find myself asking people this question (in relation to their work life):

“What do you want?” 

Few answer that with clarity. Even fewer answer it with conviction. (An exception is the business owners we coach. They tend to know what they want; they are just not sure how to get there.)

Asking “what do you really want?” makes things even more interesting.

Looking back on some events in my own life (and to be clear, I didn’t know this at the time), there were two decisions I made that were really helpful in finding the unique and effective pathway for my work.

There were 2 forks in the road:

1. I felt limited by the academy. 

I have two quick stories to share here…

First story: When I was applying for doctoral work, I actually stated to the admissions office, “I want to be able to write in an applied way rather than a technical way.” In other words, I didn’t want academic pursuits to ruin my ability to communicate and to impact. If you can’t say it to a 10-year old, you might be thinking elegant thoughts but you won’t take a lot of people on a journey with you. (Weird side-note that affirms the my dissertation I had to make sure to quote the program director...often.)

Second story: When I was an adjunct at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, I could have established an academic career. All my classes were waitlisted and I had a momentum of impact on campus. 

The graduating seniors had me speak at their baccalaureate service. Afterward the provost came up to me and let me know how glad they were to have me on staff. I responded, “you don’t.” That was actually my last semester. I had been told that if I wanted to get full professorship I needed “to play the game”. That meant doing research that I didn’t want to do (paying tribute to an ideology) and doing it in a way that I didn’t want to do it in (technical writing over accessible research).

2. I felt limited by the non-profit world. 

Growing up I had learned the ins and outs of what’s referred to as the ministry or the church world. In my 20’s, I was convinced that I could impact change within that world by modernizing. Modernizing alone isn’t sufficient, as I found out. I (and those I was serving) hadn’t been given a history of thinking or processes on how to cope and thrive in the midst of unprecedented societal change. 

Eventually I tried other approaches and, while they looked successful by external measurements, there was still a limit to how far someone could expand their personhood. After all, most people can sacrifice the guiding metaphors and analogies of their lives so many times. Death of your worldview is brutal. Murdering it is almost impossible. Bottom line: If I thought my life was better spent there, I would still be there. 


It would be fun to figure out these forks in the road ahead of time. That’s just not how clarity works. 

You can never anticipate all the unintended consequences. 

Anyone who looks back and says they calculated accurately is just guilty of false causation. 

Honest choices now - that’s the guiding light. You’re becoming someone everyday through your choices. And when you can make choices from your truth rather than traditions and pressures you/others put on yourself, that’s when you are free. 

My freedom occurred years ago upon waking when my right brain was just 1 second ahead of all my left brain faculties. I could hear it, “focus on business leaders”. 

I’ve seen this over and over again. The world moves in, by, and through business as the external reality to the ways in which human societies attempt to pursue what it means to be human. And I get to spend time with business leaders every day of the week who flat out inspire me over and over. They are the 1%. But it’s the 1% who want to grow every day and help everyone around them be better.

IF what it means to be human requires a necessary upgrade for a world we can’t fully comprehend (and I would offer that this is our primary task/joy) it will happen in and through business. Not because of business. Or for business. But in and through business for those who so choose to contribute. 

I’ve been so excited to share a public opportunity for a process we have been guiding business leaders through to TRANSFORM their leaders and OPERATIONALLY achieve predictable growth. When we make it public I’ll let you know. 

Make no mistake: There is and your business can have it. It just won’t come through tradition, pressure, or what “they” say you should do. 


Are you ready to TRANSFORM and OPERATIONALIZE your business? 

Contact us at and we can show you how.


A Guide to Leading Awesome Meetings

It’s cool to hate and bash on meetings right now. That’s stupid.

But I also get it.

I remember in one season of my work life 80% of my week was committed to meetings before the week began.

Being in too many meetings, especially ineffective meetings will burn you out. Can I please get an amen!?!?!?

But we fail to understand burnout. I’ll hand the mic to THE adult development specialist Robert Kegan:

“research shows that the single biggest cause of work burnout is not work overload,
but working too long without experiencing your own personal development.”

Let’s break it down. (BTW the above quote applies to the entirety of your job, not just meetings.)

It’s not that all meetings are bad. Too many lame meetings are bad.

Great meetings grow you. Even 1%. You see great leaders lead. Or you get new experiences. You fall down and you get back up. You learn. You build skills. It’s personal. And it’s development.

Done poorly, meetings inoculate you away from action and into discussion.

And NO COMMITTEE has or ever will change the world.

There must be people in the meeting with a fire in their belly. Think Vision not soured lunch leftovers.

But no Vision of substance happens without a team.

You need vision. You need a team.

Done right:

  • Meetings amplify momentum.

  • Meetings reveal opportunities to clarify and deepen the vision/values/strategy.

  • Meetings build relationships.

Done poorly:

  • Meetings steal momentum.

  • Meetings sabotage vision/values/strategy.

  • Meetings sour relationships.

It’s your job as a leader to make a meeting so effective and essential that people don’t want to miss it.

So you probably need to cancel a bunch of them. And upgrade your skills.

And as a team member it’s your job to speak up if you are leaving stuck, confused, or hurt.

Here’s a guide to leading great meetings.

There’s way more in the academy course Figure That Work Out. There are 4 trainings alone on meetings and those are nested under 1 of 9 skills. Upgrade yourself. Own the course for life.

Click below to grab the meeting guide (no opt-in required!).


My Secret Program (Free Resources)

“Since working with Chris, I have seen marked improvement in my presentation effectiveness and feel more confident delivering my message. Using Chris’ framework, I learned techniques for quickly establishing a connection with my audience, offering my unique insights, and sharing how we will take action. This story telling approach makes me feel comfortable and authentic and allows me to show empathy and connect with my audience, while demonstrating the business value of the subject at hand.”
— John Carter President and COO, Nationwide Financial

I’ve got a secret program that I haven’t shared publicly in a couple years.

Before I tell you about it (and give you 2 free resources) let me tell you what I believe…

1. I believe that no matter what is happening with technology and big changes in society, there will always be 1 skill that is superior to all other skills. Always. That skill is to be an effective storyteller. Effective storytellers move rooms, motivate hearts, and manifest movements.

2. I believe that storytelling is a learnable skill. I know this because I’ve taught it for years. I haven’t publicized it but we have a program where we do the work with you to accomplish 3 pieces: discover your key message, develop your key message into a presentation, deliver your key message as a high-impact talk. What people learn in that journey takes them to their highest level of communicating.

I’ve usually only taught this content to CEOs/Founders/Owners after they've gone through our coaching.

BUT...Dark spots only happen in human history when the most effective storyteller isn’t working for the good of humanity.

So just sharing some love to help you up your storytelling ability.

How badly do you want to develop your storytelling ability?

Click here for the full program.


I am partnering with Daniel Juday, a Columbus-based speaker and convener, to launch a new brand specifically geared toward providing world-class leadership development for young professionals.

We know the challenges: young professionals are not getting the development opportunities they crave, and companies are losing them in record numbers because they cannot figure out how to meet that development desire.


EMERGENT is a dynamic combination of individually-paced online learning and community- based experiences to catalyze that growth.

It consists of an online platform that we call EMlab, which is a journey-centered, 9-module course that guides participants through embracing their most powerful selves, empowering those around them to do the same, and embarking together toward even greater impact and success.

The live events are opportunities for participants to:

  • learn more about these ideas and competencies through the eyes of others

  • connect with their peers across the city

  • hear anecdotal leadership lesson from some of the city’s most impactful and influential leaders.

We believe that EMERGENT will quickly become one of the premier young professional leadership development models across the country.

And, we want to invite you into this exciting season with us as a Launch Partner.

We know you’re cheering for us, rooting for our success, as we do for yours.

If you believe EMERGENT might be a fit for your company (there are 2 ways to become a Launch Partner), please check out additional details at and let us know how we can support you in meeting the growth needs of your team.

Yo, don’t miss that. We can help you develop your young professionals to their personal best and facilitate the transformation of teams.

SightShift is deep. The work starts with the Founder/Owner/CEO.

Emergent is different. Emergent is shaped for the young professional.

As SightShift grows we are extending the work into 2 new brands. The first one I’m sharing with you is Emergent. You’ll hear lots more about this, and the other one I’ll share with you soon.

My partners in these brands are world-class leaders. Can’t wait to share more.

Now is your opportunity to be a part of something transformative during a time when there is such a crisis of mental fitness. And we’ve already scored a major win with Emergent (which I’ll share soon). We can wring our hands in despair or we can change our world.

Hope you join us. Email us at now to talk about what Emergent can do for you.

P.S. A little video tease:

How to Navigate the In-Between of Growth

Many of us are now starting to think about 2020.

This relates to everyone, but right now I’m primarily going to be applying it to business owners and founders.

If you’d rather watch a video than read, click here to catch the video version of this message. Otherwise, read on...

So often we're working with somebody who wants to grow their business and who wants it to be more.

They want to grow from $45 million to $90 million and they want to advance. But have they conceived of an org chart at $90 million and then backed away from that into where they are now?

I want to talk about this at a conceptual level first because if they knew how to structure their day now to be at double their size, they would do that.

The only reason they don't do it is because they can't imagine it.

You have to upgrade the infrastructure.

Now what happens is - and this is why so many people get thrown off in this process - when you're at $45 million, to pick up this better future of $90 million, you are going to go from holding $45 million, to nothing in your hands, to holding $90 million.

What I want to talk to you about is that in between. It's scary. It's where Luke has to go into the cave in Star Wars (I've been watching too many Star Wars movies lately).

You're holding what you know. You want to go to this better future, but in the middle, you're holding nothing.

How most change works for people that are really embarking on profound change. They're holding what they know. They get freaked out. Most people just keep holding what they know. They may embark a little bit in the scary middle, but run right back to what they know.

People that are change- and growth-oriented are setting what they know down and they're saying, “I want to get to that better future.”

You're going to get there. It's not going to be easy. It's going to be unfamiliar. Whether it's the bottom line of what your company's bringing in or just the way that you're structuring your day, you're structuring it this way, but you want to structure it another way.

When you know that the scary in-between is real, it gives you a way of categorizing this experience to make sense of it.

Little side note and caution here: We work with business owners and founders that are oftentimes in a place where they want to hand something off to another team of owners or to a son or daughter. This is a big, big distraction you need to be aware of.

If you're holding your business and you're going to transition to someone else owning it, here's what happens...

You go away for a vacation. You're fatigued and you're tired. And then you come back with a lot of ideas and enthusiasm that just reinvigorates you at this level.

It's confusing to the customers, the employees, and if you're in a place where somebody is saying to you, “I'm going to let go one day”, and then they come back with enthusiasm from breaks, they're probably never going to let go.

Until you reconcile that fact, you're going to ride this ride with them rather than being able to be the leader you need to be. So wherever you're at, upgrade the infrastructure.

If you want more on this, I dive into it way deeper in the Figure That Leadership Out course on our online Leadership Academy.

If you want to learn how to have the best mindset,
grab a seat in the SightShift Leadership Academy.

Unblock Your Brilliance

One night, years ago, I was jolted out of a sleep. My heart was racing. My wife was punching (maybe tapping) my leg.

“Did you hear that? Someone’s downstairs!”

I heard some thuds. I told her it was probably our youngest doing gymnastics in her 12am.

I didn’t have to wonder what our youngest was passionate about. I didn’t have to question what she loved. At that point in time, it was clear that she felt alive and full of joy when she was bending, twisting, and flipping.

Have you read The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle?

It's about how talent is grown.


And here’s the reality about finding what lights our eyes up: a few micro tweaks and changes would unblock what is latent within us. Let’s not aim for anything less than world class growth.

In the book, the author mentions that he gets asked about how to figure out your kids’ passions. He says if you have to ask then it isn’t their passion. I wish it were that easy with adults. Pain and numbing out cover up much of who we are.

The author says you need 3 key ingredients to grow your greatness:

1. Deep practice

2. Ignition

3. World class coaching

And here are those 3 in my words...

Deep practice:

This is where you learn to practice making micro adjustments for huge gains. You can perfect a granny shot in basketball with 10,000 hours of practice, but you won’t be a good basketball player. You’re practicing wrong. Most have no idea how their everyday-small-movements shape the responses they’re getting.


Underneath all the pain, setbacks, challenges, and disappointments there's an inner gymnast waiting to be released. (Tight leotards...yay or ewww?) The brilliance just needs to be unblocked. Learn how to frame who you are in every moment. Then you won't miss the CONSTANT energy that life is ready to give you. You need the energy to pursue deep practice.

World class coaching:

You need someone to help you recognize the micro movements to make sure your practice is effective. You need someone to help you capture the ignition that is always around you, even in the darkest of moments. And you most definitely need someone to help you get to the edge of your abilities when things are going great. If you don't get to the edge you'll slide into the laziness of good.

In those days, a few years ago, I would know that when I’d go home, one thing would happen for sure: my daughter would show me that day’s growth. A new move. It would probably look the same as yesterday’s move. But she’s able to nail a twist or flip with greater accuracy. She knows it. It’s how she was ready to jump up 2 classes at her gym. I am keeping her exposed to world class coaching to harness her ignition and maximize her deep practice.

At different points I’ve paid psychologists, counselors, skilled practitioners, and coaches to help me break through barriers. I don’t want to waste my time practicing incorrectly and missing moments of ignition.

Whose help can you ask for today to guide you in getting to the edge of your abilities (or to stay there)?

If you want to learn how to have the best mindset,
grab a seat in the SightShift Leadership Academy.

You're Tricking Yourself (Here's How + What To Do About It)

You're Tricking Yourself (Here's How + What To Do About It)

When you learn how to carve out an interior world that isn’t about
ESCAPING but instead about ENHANCING, you become unstoppable.

You can make decisions from that hammock mindset in the midst of the struggles that activate you. You just navigate in the midst of that activation differently than you would if you were distressed. When you’re distressed you can’t access the fullness of your creativity and your ego seeks validation. You trick yourself.

Reaching the Edge of Your Abilities

Through the years of coaching leaders and building the SightShift methodology, I’ve discovered the tools and strategies that anyone can apply in order to reach the edge of their abilities.

In the 3 part video series below, I share some key insights on upgrading your mindset and stepping into your full potential as a leader.

Part 1: Why SightShift Isn’t For Everyone

Are you actually ready to accelerate your leadership with all the tools you need to get to the edge of your abilities?

I want to explain who SightShift is REALLY for (and it might not be for you - which is fine) as well as how you know you’re ready to invest in your leadership development. Click below to watch.


Part 2: How To Be Your Own Person

In my years of research and coaching, I’ve discovered that there are 3 phases we go through in order to become your own person. Watch the video below to learn what they are and how you can become the best you can be (as a leader and as a person).


What I talk about in this video is exactly the approach we take in the SightShift Leadership Academy. And we do it through a variety of courses that target different areas of your life and provide you with specific tools to reach the edge of your abilities in each of those areas. 

If you’re not familiar with our courses, here are the 6 currently in the Academy:

  1. Figure That Shift Out: How to live and lead from  your most authentic self

  2. Figure That Work Out: Managing yourself and others as effectively as possible

  3. Figure That Mindset Out: Create a resilient mindset and create your reality

  4. Figure That Leadership Out: Learn the necessary templates and skills for maximizing your leadership

  5. Figure That Relationship Out: Get and keep any relationship on a healthy path

  6. Figure That Shift Out Certification: Learn how to take someone through Figure That Shift Out

Part 3: Partnering With Your Deepest Desires

Did you ever have a class in school that taught you how to harness the deepest desires you have and create them into your reality? 

Were you ever shown how to access the ‘unknowable’ part of who you are (some call this the unconscious)? 

Nope? None of us were...

Watch this video, where I share that this unknowable part of who you are does, and how we can unlock it’s potential.


We dive a LOT deeper into this in our Academy courses. It’s all designed to stretch you to learn the skills (the ones no one has taught you before) that can help you achieve any outcome you desire. 

Each and every course is packed with valuable content - we don’t hold back. 

We want you to feel like you got so much out of the content that you can’t believe the price you paid.

As you go through the courses, you will:

  • Become confident in the most difficult of relationships.

  • Get clarity on your mission that transcends your job.

  • Process your day to close open loops that create anxiety.

  • Use your problems to build momentum in every category of your life.

  • Employ practices and strategies to stay focused and motivated.

  • Be happy with yourself regardless of circumstances.

  • Develop awareness to build great teams for life and work.

  • Become a brilliant leader that can discern what each moment needs.

  • Invest who you are to grow your most important relationships.

The SightShift Leadership Academy has it all from the tactics to the strategies to the deep principles. You will repeatedly be taken to the edge of your abilities by the training. 

This is long form learning that will shape you into being your best.

IMPORTANT: The SightShift Leadership Academy is going through some upgrades. We’ll be adding more courses, starting with two being released soon (Figure That Parenting Out + Figure That Game Out). This means that the investment for the Academy will increase as well.

On Wednesday, October 9th at Midnight EST, the price of the Academy goes up to $347.

But you can get in right now at the low price of $211. And if you do, we’ll also give you FREE access to the next two courses.

That’s a total value of $570 that you’ll be getting for just $211. 

Seven Dumb Statements That Block Innovation

There are seven dumb statements that I hear thrown around as I interact with people and do the work of helping leaders lead better. I want to draw your attention to these statements because I don't want you to make them and hurt your ability to lead in the most impactful way.  I want to get underneath them so that we can understand what makes them a stupid thing to say.

Some of these are going to be statements that you may have said at some point. And that's okay, because we're all growing. We're developing. I, for sure, have said a number of the items on this list. And by growing our awareness, we get better. We're moving forward as leaders. So let's not beat ourselves up or shame ourselves. Let's get awareness on what doesn't need to be said.

We fall back on these phrases and sayings of cliché, vacuous statements because we are not prepared. We're winging it. And we want to be the kind of leaders who are prepared and not winging it.

Statement 1: “We need trust falls.”

I know that probably, nobody has ever said that statement exactly that way, but it happens. Here's what I mean.

Four years ago when I launched out into SightShift full time and I got the first big corporate program put together, I remember telling my wife, “It's happening.” They said, “Well, we've had some stuff going on and a couple of initiatives that aren't going like we thought, and some people were upset and we need somebody to come in and do some trust falls with us.” And I said, “I'm not your person for that, because that won't do anything.”

If my daughter and I are having a conversation and she gets mad at me and I've screwed up in some way as a dad, I don't put my hand on her shoulder and go, “Let's just do a trust fall.” That is ridiculous. It's hype. It's a joke. It's what makes the office so funny in different ways. It gives me great stories, but I will tell you this: when you face a moment and you're looking at the team and you know the energy is off - “We're not connected, we're not synced up, we're not aligned” - you feel it in your guts, in your bones. Don't go, “We need to get some trust falls up in here,” because you definitely don't. There's  deeper work to be done.

Statement 2: “It's not about you.”

Now, I've said that in speaking. But let me tell you what people hear when you say it and why you want to stop.

Somebody has an issue, and they’re possibly being insecure and seeking validation or there's a real protest that you need to hear so something can be improved. Rather than hearing the protests, you shut it down. “It's not about you.” Rather than helping them see how they're leading insecurely by seeking validation, you just shame them. “It's not about you.”

Here's the thing: it is about the individual. The individual has to learn who they are so they can show up and bring their best leadership, not seek validation, and give the issue that needs to be protested (in a healthy way) so it can be improved. So be careful of falling back on that phrase, because you're just shutting somebody down.

Statement 3: “WE over ME.”

This will get some likes on Twitter. I can just type those three words: “We over me.” I'm going to get some retweets. People are going to think, Yeah, that's the way it is.

No, that is not the way it is. That is crazy. It's not “we over me.” You're going to exhaust yourself for the needs of others so that you have no wholeness from which to draw from and give to others? No. It is a healthy ME that leads to a healthy WE. That's how it works.

I get the “we over me” sentiment. What they're trying to say is, “Hey, person that's trying to sabotage and direct all the attention and energy to your validation, to your insecurity, stop doing that.” But just know that in language, there's context and  nuance. We want to be more precise and accurate in our wording and what we're saying. And so it's ME, then a healthy WE. This is the way we do it.

Statement 4: “What do studies show?”

If this question is being asked in a truly inquisitive way, awesome. But any time you see new leadership insights breaking forth and things that are advancing - whether it's corporate culture or academics or athletics - there are people in the room that will say, “What's the science say? What's the data?”

Now, I'm all about the data. But the data has to be applied in big ways, because when it comes to a lot of leadership stuff, we're dealing with things at an intuitive level. And at an intuitive level, what we want to do is transcend just any current psychological study. Science is awesome. It helps us know so much, but it doesn't help us know everything, and it can't move fast enough to help us know what's breaking forth, what's getting better, what's improving.

Psychological studies are not all they're cracked up to be. You see top psychological studies being debunked right now. This is why I like to look at evolutionary biology. I like to look at anthropological studies and religious studies because I want to look at what's held for thousands of years. And so when somebody says, “What's the study say?” I would ask, “What's been practiced already for thousands of years?” because that's probably going to help us get where we need to go as far as improving human performance.

One of the pieces that we do with SightShift is harnessing the ability to visualize. Not just visualize in a way that you're attached to the results, but in a way that's deeper and bigger than that. It's your identity.

I listened to a podcast with somebody with the Seattle Seahawks about their mindset training. He was talking about how they want to train athletes to be able to meditate and visualize who they are as more than just a football player. He talked about how they do this and how it's really hard to do, and I'm about to come out of my skin listening to the podcast because I'm thinking, “No, you can teach people fast. There's a way to do it.”

If you don't have openness to many approaches and methodologies, then you get such a narrow viewpoint based on just what works for you, and that makes you dangerous. And you want to be the kind of leader who isn't just saying, “Well, what do the studies say?” The studies can't know it all, do it all, or be it all. Let's have a wider, longer viewpoint than that.

Statement 5: “Try harder.”

Your leaders are getting their current results because of the current activity that they're doing. And more hustle, harder effort applied is not going to change things. They actually need to pause, to use our language of the Seasons from The Stuck Book. There's a winter they need to enter into. They need to explore, they need to study, figure out why they're getting that result, and then engage it. When you tell them try harder, you're going to get more of what you're already getting. And that's no good.

Statement 6: “I'm successful because of ______.”

Now fill in the blank. What is it?

“Hard work, because I did this in the market and I did this.”

No, you're successful because of four or five factors; you might know two or three of them, and you're possibly blind to the fourth or the fifth one.

In Good to Great, Jim Collins talks about how most people don't know the reasons that contributed to their success. And so replicating it actually is impossible, because they're not aware of some things that happened with relationships and timing. So you want to be very clear as a leader, very simple in the values you're asking people to live up to and the stories you're telling that exhibit those values and inspire people. Never try to make it sound like it's a one and done simplicity of, “Just do this.”

Statement 7: “It's not going to be okay.”

Okay, so nobody's actively saying that. But again, it's caught more than taught. How are they modeling?

It's not going to be okay because they use fear. Replace this phrase with whatever statement they use to get people afraid. If I'm talking to a group of people and I want them motivated to learn skills, and I say, “Hey, the robots are coming. Learn these skills,” I'm getting them to take action out of fear. Now I might say that and provoke a response, but I'm trying to take it back to a place of desire of abundance - not scarcity, not fear. So with this seventh one, watch for the statements that you say that try to stir people up based on fear more than desire.

When you stir them up based on desire, you're unleashing them at their best. There's a point we need to be afraid of. But we don't stop there. We can start with some sobriety, but let's end with desire.

What would you add to this list? Think through it. Make sure that you are being very aware as a communicator, being at your best, choosing your words intentionally, and impacting people to the utmost.

Comedian Steve Martin Helped Me The Last 6 Weeks

Don’t apologize for your passion.

Impression without expression leads to depression. (The circumstantial kind of depression not the brain chemistry kind.)

When you have something happening in you it must go through you. It might be direct conversation or something you paint on a canvas. It must be expressed or you’ll block your flow.

The comedian Steve Martin helped set me up for some massive insights over the holidays. It was a time of vision like I can’t ever remember. 6 weeks of burning heat. (I should probably get that checked out )

It actually took me back to being 18 years old. I had so much FIRE in me to impact others but I felt like was only able to express about 3%. I felt underutilized. I was not at the edge of my capacity. My dad said something brilliant to me. “Instead of trying to dig something wide. Dig a deep well within yourself.” And so I did. I went deep with vision.

Henceforth these last 23 years I would estimate that I’ve been mostly at the edge of my abilities each year growing and stretching.

Until the last year.

This last year has been one of massive vision and upgrades in my thinking and approaches. It culminated through a conversation with a close friend and experiences so weird you’d unsubscribe from this email list lickety-split.

But I can trace back the cascading insight to a number of events including an online class I purchased with Steve Martin. As I watched the videos taking notes he said something that WHAMMED me internally.

I hope you let your desires and visions rage. I hope you feel the thrill of full tilt expression in your gifting and wiring. And then I hope you get to the edge again and again and again.

I love meeting with people 1 on 1 and helping them unblock who they are. I’m really good at it and I can do it fast. Therefore it’s not cheap. (It’s been said that you can have 2 of the 3: good, fast, cheap. You can’t have all 3.)

Until now?

We’ve changed how our online academy works. For the first time ever you can just buy 1 course. Like I did with the Steve Martin course. At a stupid cheap price. SightShift’s services will feel expensive to most. But we’ve priced our courses to be so far below industry standard pricing. I want you to have all the growth you want.

Freaking change your life. Do something.

  1. If you want to go deep start with the Figure That Shift Out course.

  2. Need a light introduction into shaping your mindset? Do the Figure That Mindset Out.

  3. Frustrated with an inability to manage yourself and others? Learn to do things the right way with Figure That Work Out.

  4. Failing to maximize your abilities? Learn to do the right things with Figure That Leadership Out.

  5. Want to learn to impact others and take them through our signature program? (Without charging them or advertising your services, duh.) Take yourself through our certification course.

  6. Need to help a relationship with a significant other to move forward? Complete the Figure That Relationship Out.

I’m still just getting started. I raise coaching prices 3 times a year. The prices for the courses will most likely be raised year to year. No gimmicks. No coupon codes. Go change your life.

My most powerful break thru usually follow when I’m laying down and I think and FEEL, “This is a circumstance no one will rescue me from. I must go forth and create a new reality.”

Go create a new reality.