7 realities that block you from being liked and doing meaningful work.

At the end of the day humans want other humans to like them. And humans want to do something meaningful with their lives. 

Yet at every age there are developments, struggles, and realities that block these two simple desires. 

Here's 7 realities I can't stop thinking about:

1. Institutions reinforce tribalism. 

This is why institutions are being taken down or completely changing before our eyes. The institutions of the future empower personal development. A healthy we starts with a healthy me. Colleges, marriages, religions, etc. None are exempt. Human beings are no blank slate morally speaking. Left to the worst of ourselves we gravitate to a model that prioritizes the "we" that we identify with over and above the needs of all. 

The critic would say, "But institutions are critical for society."

Yes. But the institution must help people find an identity beyond the tribe.

2. More deconstruction approaches. 

For the only time in human history you can find lots of thoughts and beliefs to build your life around or for building an identity. Rather than being raised in a worldview and experiencing that worldview consistently over your lifetime there is exposure to the world's viewpoints at the click of a hashtag. The institutions have failed to show the options. So you find in different corners of the net someone like you or someone you identify with over and above your current grouping.

The critic would say, "Yesterday's beliefs hold all this together." OR "Today's beliefs are the only hope."

Yes. But no one gets to their own secure identity with out progressing through some level of deconstruction regarding yesterday and today's beliefs.

3. Categories and labels block customized wisdom.

When tribalism takes over we pick a part of who are and make that whole of our identity. This means fundamentalism will kick and scream, louder. Fundamentalism exists in the left and the right. It exists when you hear everything through a filter of confirmation bias. Another way this could be said is the greater the deconstruction the more intense the desire for labels. The lines between labels are blurring. Anti or pro Trump is a way the world divides itself. Political parties, religious groups, etc. on the far left and far right will police their "boundaries" with greater and greater ferocity. "You tow the party line or we will attempt to shame you into conforming." The insecure will exhibit the fruit of new ridiculous lines from the root of the invalidation they feel. From the invalidation they feel people will draw new lines. "Don't appropriate my culture!" when in reality we're all appropriating culture. More labels will be made up and more labels will be lobbed at each other like word grenades or worse.

The critic would say, "Labels help us group together, get more done, and call out oppression."

Yes. But categorization of the group blocks the customized wisdom the individual needs and trains a victim mindset looking for oppression.

4. You can't prepare for how different your daily life will look in the future.

I work with a number of companies and individuals in those companies who are developing technologies that will replace lots of jobs. Imagine you put together a group of farmers 200 years ago and said, "only a handful of you will still do this work in the future". It would be impossible for them to get their minds around what you are saying because you couldn't replace it with a clear picture of the future. The future of our daily life can't be predicted. What can be predicted is that work and life will go through as big a shift (bigger really) as the shift from agriculturalism to industrialism. Most get left behind in big transitions. 

The critic would say, "Keep doing what needs to be done. Society needs lots of doers."

Yes. But there will always be lots of doers. We need dynamic leaders who are adaptive and resilient. 

5. Fear is how they direct you.

Instead of making substantive changes to adjust your sails to future potentials...most will be driven by fear. I saw it as a college prof. Students were afraid that they picked the right major. They were at college because they had been scared into it. "The debt is worth it. Having a degree will fix everything." (See number 1. Institutions will matter less and less unless they adapt.) From news cycles to "studies show" you'll be pressured into conforming. All your decisions to position yourself with the right degree and job and relationships will be worthless. 

The critic would say, "The wise see trouble coming and adjust."

Yes. But success is no straight line. And fear based decisions put you in the wrong position.

6. Data can manipulate. Stories surface reality. 

With new technologies and big data understanding what is real and true will be more and more difficult to parse out. Hitler can deceive a nation using persuasion. What could he do with propaganda news cycles, manipulation of big data, and tech that can record political leaders then spit out videos of them saying whatever the computer wants them to say? Discerning truth will get more and more difficult. If your phone home button has haptic feedback then try this. Turn off your phone and press the home button. Your brain is programmed from the haptic feedback that you can press it in but in reality it never moves.

The critic would say, "Data helps us know reality over and above perception."

Yes. But the persuasive power of stories surface the truth of the individual. The stories a leader tells reveals if they are directing with fear or love.

7. Technology enhances or diminishes humanity.

Phone usage isn't going away. It will just become a part of our bodies. The drift towards more and more of the robotic will lead some to become less and less human. Surrogate experiences of VR, gaming, and other simulations will foster an escape from reality or enhance the experience of being human. The skill of being able to be with other humans and relate with vocal intonation, facial mannerisms, and body language will diminish greatly. 

The critic would say, "We just need more empathy."

Yes. But empathy is not enough and only a starting point. Go back to number 1. Individuals have to find the totality of their humanity beyond validation.


SightShift unblocks. And not just in spite of these 7 realities. It maps onto these realities. 

1. SightShift equips so you can serve and build institutions that empower others rather than contributing to those that disempower. 

2. SightShift aids a fast and effective deconstruction. There is a simplicity on the other side of complexity. 

3. You find an identity beyond the labels and categories. 

4. Then you're not ignorant to the present moment. 

5. You are not driven by the fear. 

6. You live your story. 

7. You become a better human.