I want to enjoy today. And I want to prepare for tomorrow.
We've got a lot of time to enjoy 2017 and I want to soak it up.
AND I want to position myself for 2018 to be as rad as possible.
There's no fluff here. It's just a straight forward reality check.
Here's 3 actions that will help you:
1. Surface your values.
I choose the word surface intentionally. Your values are already there. Whether it's your personal values or the organizational values the skill is to strip away the bs. In a world of everyone trying to do too much and be too much I see a common fallacy: make everything important. If everything is important then nothing is. I faced a war within myself over a recent decision. I got stuck. So I used a mental model that helps me while I was sitting in a sauna. Covered in sweat I felt my body relax as I was honest with myself about the value I didn't want to compromise. (This was after hours of wasting too much emotion and mental energy.)
Your decision making is faster when you know your values. There's less deliberation. And you feel good because those decisions are emanating from your core.
2. Sift your priorities and commit to a few with deep focus.
List out all the systems of your company or your life. Now go through each of them and ask:
- Where am I winning with this system?
- Where am I losing with this system?
- Where am I stuck with this system?
- Where am I inspired with this system?
Take all the data and look for the themes that will shape next years focus.
3. Dial in your daily flow (and team if you have one) to support #1 and #2.
Are the team members around you positioned to support the values and priorities in the expectations of their roles and tasks?
Is your office setup, calendar, and the meetings you agree to attend positioned for #1 and #2?
Have you broken down the priorities from #2 into small and medium steps?
Have you put into place a timeline that makes deadlines early so you'll be left with generous margin?