Poly-contemplative: The Podcast

Re-Thinking The Stories We Tell Ourselves

We all get worn down.

We can all feel boxed in and stuck.

So how do we think outside of a box we may not even recognize we’re in?

We turn to our stories.

Stories have been guiding us for tens of thousands of years.

They shape our identity.

They alter our destiny.

They upgrade our humanity.

Stories are our spiritual software.

We use stories to learn about ourselves and to engage at a deeper level what it means to be human.

But we keep finding ourselves boxed in with the stories that are stuck on repeat inside our heads.

Do we need new spiritual software?

You don’t know the edge of the box until you push it.

My name is Chris McAlister, founder of SightShift and a leadership guide with a seminary doctorate.

I’m aiming to start a conversation with this podcast. I have no interest in finishing it. 

This will be a space for people to think critically about the stories guiding their lives. 

For 40 episodes, I’ll pull from theology, history, philosophy, meditation, religious practices, psychology, and science to help you push through.

The goal is to guide you in the wilderness when you're stuck in a story that isn’t helping you grow your wisdom. 

It’s a poly-contemplative approach.

Join me in discovering our next softwarewisdom upgrade.

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